Apr 20, 2004 17:34
wow i never realized hwo much i hate school till now, it's all fuckin screwed up i hate it, i hate it, i hate it. damn mo fo's make me get a temp ID badge and everything with what 5 weeks left of school damn then im not buyin a new one. i refuse! but w/e i'll prolly give in by the end of this week who knows. well yeah then there's fucked up people at our school damn then, idk people are flippin stupid an ddumb shit like that. there was a fight yesterday over a seat at the lunch table... and the both got supened and 11 days e.c. it was kahrazy this flipped up world we live in... but one day i will rule the world. just wait it's coming.. the end it near!! ok well enough of that im bored so im out