Jan 03, 2006 03:53
I love flying the friendly skies these days. Where else can one be treated with such open contempt? Where else is Dilbert-esque corporate management more painfully apparent? Here I sit in the terminal of Dullis International Airport... I was supposed to be in Savannah, Georgia over six hours ago but the flights were cancelled because they lost the aircraft, and then the crew and then the flight attendant (no kidding). I honestly don't know when you'll read this because right now I'm as scared as I've ever been in my entire life. United Airlines sucks major ass, they're response to all this is to put me on a "waiting list" for the next flight (which is already 4 hours late). They wonder why nobody wants to fly them these days? If I am not selected for the 1:45 am flight, I'll have to be waiting for the 9:15 Am flight too and may not be selected for that either. Fuck United Airlines, fuck them to hell; this is service retarded. The people doing the announcements aren't even english-speakers! I can't understand what they're saying and neither can anyone else. I really hope beyond hope that I'll be selected for one of these flights because I need to get into Savannah before classes start on Wends-day. Of course, United has no flights till Thursday because they lost them (again, no joke). I hope things all work out in the end because I'm terrified of missing the beginning of classes, not to mention trying to figure out what to do for two days alone in DC because United fucked (they wouldn't even book me a hotel).
So now I'm here in Dullus. It is 3:45 am, all flights to savannah were cancelled for retarded reasons and no more until... WEDNESDAY WHEN CLASSES START. I hate them ever so much. Save yourself the worry; never fly United Airlines EVER.