Characters: Silver, whoever wants to pop in
Content: Silver goes to contemplate things and manages to run afoul of the jellyfish. Yeah, he does good work.
Where: The Bay
When: Midmorning the day after the challenge
It didn't make sense. None of this made any sense.
Silver, unwilling to be indoors any longer, had gone exploring and found a bay - a beach and water. He hadn't seen anything like this since his venture into Soleanna's past, and right now he intended to make the best of it.
If he could get away from his thoughts. Right now, "perfectly harmless" was battling with "double kill down south." Neither was winning and nothing between the two was making sense, and while Silver wanted answers, what he wanted more was just some time to breathe.
He'd left his gloves and boots on the shore and waded waist-deep into the water (which, considering his height, really wasn't deep at all), doing something he'd never been able to do: enjoy the water. Its coolness, and the warmth of the all felt so good. Maybe he could forget about things for now...
Something brushed against his leg, and he looked down to see what it was. He'd never seen anything like it before - it was a small blob with - were those tentacles? - and it was swimming in a strange bobbing motion. Silver gave a small smile - this was new, and it was alive - and dabbled his hand in the water next to it, wondering what it would do.
The tentacles wrapped around his hand.
That smile was very suddenly gone, as was the jellyfish - a burst of pain-fueled psychokinesis had blown it several feet through the water, leaving a few of its tentacles behind on Silver's hand.
Which felt like it was on fire.
Silver had dealt with pain before, mostly burns. This wasn't a burn, though - this felt like the flame was still on his hand. His sharp cry at the initial sting had faded into somewhat ragged breathing and the occasional yelp as he made his way quickly out of the water. It didn't help that his eyes were starting to tear up - the pain wasn't going away at all - it might have been getting worse - and accompanying it was a feeling of betrayal. The one thing he'd wanted to do was relax in the water, and he couldn't even do that anymore.
He had, however, accomplished his goal: in light of the new and very painful jellyfish sting, Silver was no longer thinking about the past day's challenge.