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He wouldn't get what he wanted if they did.
The air he breathed tasted awful. If I could -- and yes, he could. Within a distance of five metres the air filled with the smell of cherry blossoms. Strong and lucid. He took a deep breath.
He wouldn't have to tell them. One had to keep an eye on their crystal anyway. And if they lost, well, he could them tell the sweetest of lies.
Seishirou smirked and waited for their arrival.
Flowers. He realized after a moment. Which was really odd and a quick look around proved that there indeed were no flowers to be seen. Only a teammate. Whom he greeted by cheerfully waving.
The challenge was simple and even fun in Russia's opinion but the only problem was that he wasn't quite sure how to deal with people that weren't countries or his people. And his entire team was composed of those. Though he wasn't going to complain. America was on the other team and that was enough for him to want to win this game no matter what.
Which she supposed meant she might as well at least go and see who the rest of her team actually was, wandering through the ruined city as if it was the most ordinary thing in the world. She couldn't care what it looked like, after all. It was just another part of the game.
It didn't take her long at all to find to find the rest of the group either, although she couldn't say she approved of the scent of flowers filling the air. It really didn't do much for the mood. A ruined city should smell like a ruined city.
"Mmmm~, is this all of us, then?" she asked when she drew near enough to be heard.
"It seems we are complete." He smiled, first at the lady, than at the man who had greeted him so enthusiastically. "I think I'll guard our crystal. I'm not that strong and I don't want to be in the way."
He hoped neither of the two were able to feel the stirring magic that had reappeared since he'd been dropped off on the airfield.
"If you're sure," Russia said a little uncertainly. Though he wasn't about to press the matter. It meant he could move about freely and not worry about the crystal here too much...hopefully. "That leaves taking the other crystals to us." He turned to the woman, smiling pleasantly.
If there was magic in the air he obviously didn't notice. Magic did not exist for Russia and his world, as far as he knew, so he was completely oblivious to it.
"Then I'm going for that one," she answered, pointing in the direction of the nearer of the two red crystals - the one in the junkyard. She'd let someone else claim the blank crystal.
As for the magic in the air, it was simply passed over as being something normal. Magic was the way of life in the Castle, and that was all there was to it.
"Then see you later." He smiled brightly at them and turned around to at least go near their crystal. No need to raise suspicions before the fun started. "I wish you luck."
It was a good thing he had memorized the map the mystery person with the weird magnifier had given him well, it certainly was going to come in handy right now it seemed.
"You too~" he chimed after the man before turning to move into the direction of the junkyard.
"Have fun waiting~," she called back to the man who said he'd wait. An hour was quite a while to wait, after all. But maybe someone would come and entertain him. Besides, they could afford to lose a point if they took a point.
And with that, she too headed off in the direction of the junkyard. And it looked that map she'd gotten for the magnifying glass was going to be useful after all. Convenient how it all worked out, really.
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