1. )) Person Who Last?
- Talked on the phone with: my dad
- Slept in your bed: moi
- Saw you cry:my parents
- Made you cry? umm the last time a person was the source of my tears . . . um my dad
- You shared a drink with: i dunno . . . Miranda?
- You went to the movies with: Cymone
- You went to the mall with: Aaron, Surge, etc etc
- Yelled at you: Mr Mallon, haha
- Sent you an email: Lauren
2. )) Random Questions
- Things you like in a guy? good sense of humor, smart, wouldn't kill if he was cute too
- Do you have a crush on someone? mhmm
- Who is he/she?: Aaron
- Do you have a bf/gf? mhmm
- What do you think about Ouija Boards? they don't work
- What book are you reading now? I forgot the name of it
- Are you sensitive? not really
- Siblings: none
- Been so drunk you didn't remember that you were there: no thanks
- Gone out in public in your pajamas? mhmm
- Set any body part on fire for amusement? no o_O
- Kept a secret from everyone? yea
- Wanted to hook up with a friend? yep
- Cried during a movie? yep
- Had a crush on a teacher? no
- Ever thought an animated character was hot? haha no
- Color? my favorite: turquoise; do I color? no
- Summer/Winter: winter
- Cartoon Character: the Simpsons
3. )) In the last week ?
- Cried: nope
- Cut your hair: nope
- Worn a skirt: not in public (I bought one but then it was see-through so I'm fixin that)
- Been mean: probably
- Been sarcastic: of course
- Talked to someone you have a crush on/are married to: mhmm
- Hugged someone: yep
- Fought with your parents: no :O
- Wished upon a star: nope
- Watched a sunrise/sunset: no
- Spent quality time alone: nah, I was gonna curl up with a Chicken Soup book but then people called me and I got side-tracked
- Ate a meal: hell no, I'm tryin to love those 6 lbs I put on! jk =)
- Are you lonely: yes sir
- Are you happy: for the most part
- Are you talking to someone online: yeah
4.)) My ___ grade crush
1st : no one
2nd : "
3rd : I think his name was Christian
4th : no one, but I lied and said it was this random guy named Jared
5th : Y'all don't
6th : need
junior high:
7th : to know.
8th : Do bfs count?
5.) Do you believe in ?
- God/Devil: yes
- Love: mhmm
- The Big Bang Theory: kinda?
- Heaven/Hell: yep
- Superstitions: no
6.) Random Questions PT 2
- When was the last time you showered? this morning
- What are you listening to right now? Around the Way Girl - LL Cool J
- What was the last thing that you said online? "yea, most of them"
- What is right next to you? my robe, haha
- What is your computer desk made of? wood
- What are the last 4 digits in your phone number? 3404, 9076
- How's the weather right now? pretty nice actually
- What did you do last night? Hw, talk on the phone
- How are you today? Eh, okay. Thanks for asking =)
- How do you eat an Oreo? I used to seperate it and then eat the cream but now I juss eat it
- What makes you happy? lots of things, thinking about them makes me happy =)
- What makes you mad? dumbass people, liars
- Are you too shy to ask someone out? not really
- Fave clothes brand: Don't really have one
- If you could change your name what would it be? I wouldn't change it
- Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Sweeches
- What is the stupidest thing you have ever done: Haha probably when I said "I need a daily cleaner once a week"
- Do you like scary or happy movies? both
- On the phone or in person? both
- Lust or Love? love
7. )) Survey
- why did you take this survey? cause I had nothing better to do
- rate this survey from 1-10: 5?