aaaalllll yoooouuuu... suca MCs aint got nothin on me!

Jun 02, 2007 19:06

.001. ] Name: lauren
.002. ] Gender: F
.003. ] Location: on my couch, in my living room, in my house
.004. ] Height: 5 foot 8...?..... maybe?
.005. ] Hair color: redish brownish delicious
.006. ] Eye color: BlUe
.007. ] Is your hair long or short: shorter than the average bear
.008. ] Tattoos you have: N/A

» S C H O O L «

.009. ] Are you still in school: oui
.010. ] Favorite subject: this semester? photo.
.011. ] Least favorite subject: mmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... history???
.012. ] Do/did you buy lunch or bring it: bought.... and brought.... i liked to mix it up. what can i say? im a crazv chick

» F A V O R I T E «

.013. ] Number: 8
.014. ] Clothing brand: i really dont know how to answer this question because i really dont buy clothes because of the name on the tag...
.015. ] Tv show: grey's anatomy
.016. ] Fruit: peaches or plums... who knows which one it really is?
.017. ] Movie: grease, the princess bride, LOTR 1, 2, 3... im sure there's more
.018. ] Scent: japanese cherry blossom
.019. ] Ice cream flavor: dulce de leche
.020. ] Color: blue
.021. ] Season: spring or fall
.022. ] Holiday: christmas

.023. ] Thing in your room: my cat
.024. ] Books: gosh.... the red tent probably... or the HP series
.025. ] TV channel: abc
.026. ] Shape: star
.027. ] Time: sleeping time
.028. ] State: california
.029. ] Boys name: dylan
.030. ] Girls name: dylan
.031. ] Disney character: princess jasmine... i love her crazy gold triangle ear rings
.032. ] Scary movie: the grudge.

» T H I S O R T H A T «

.033. ] Hot or cold: cold
.034. ] Winter or summer: winter... i wonder if this question and the last are corrolated... some one should do a study
.035. ] Spring or fall: spring
.036. ] Shakira or Britney: ill take the one with hair
.037. ] MTV or VH1: in going to have to pick vh1... mostly for their awesomely bad countdowns
.038. ] Rollarblading or skateboarding: skateboarding.
.039. ] Black or white: black and white and red all over
.040. ] Orange or red: orange
.041. ] Yellow or green: green
.042. ] purple or pink: purple
.043. ] Cell phone or pager: cell phone.
.044. ] Powerpuff Girls or Charlie's Angels: power puff girls
.045. ] Scooby doo or Dino: dino... he was SO much less annoying

» Y E S O R N O «

.046. ] Are you a vegetarian: no. i like eating cows and pigs and chicken. dont judge me
.047. ] Do you like cows: i dont DISlike cows.
.048. ] Are you a bitch: i can be
.049. ] Are you artistic: ugh... maybe sometimes
.050. ] Do you write poetry: i used to
.051. ] Can you ski: yes
.052. ] Are you British: a little
.053. ] Are you straight: yes
.054. ] Are you evil: on occasion
.055. ] Is Britney a whore: i dont really know
.056. ] Are you secretly from another planet: if i were, i probably wouldnt post it on live journal

.057. ] Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: no. thank the big guys upstairs for that one
.058. ] Do you have a crush: like the soda? no.
.059. ] Do you love anyone right now: madly
.060. ] Have you ever been in love: yeah
.061. ] Do you go by looks or personality: initially, everyone goes by looks.. unless they're blind of course. but i think its the personality that really counts in the long haul
.062. ] do you smoke: nope
.063. ] Do you smoke weed: no
.064. ] crack, heroin, or anything else: only when YOUR MOM offers it to me.
.065. ] Beer good or beer bad: beer gross
.066. ] Are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: ive atually never had a wine cooler... but i dont hear good things

» T H E L A S T «

.067. ] Thing you ate: corn
.068. ] Thing you drank: XXX vitamin water
.069. ] Place you went: this crack head dress store in WEHO
.070. ] Thing you got pierced/tattooed: my ears... and they were pierced, not tattooed
.071. ] Song you heard: blackbird in daves car
.072. ] Person you instant messaged: jackie
.073. ] Person you laughed with: my family

» N O W «

.074. ] What are you eating: im not eating... but i just ate some corn... didnt we go over this already?
.075. ] What are you drinking: god, this is just like the last section, isnt it?
.076. ] Any shoes on: sockies
.077. ] Hair: i dont understand. is this a question?: Now, hair?
.078. ] Listening to: Wii
.079. ] Talking to anyone: negative
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