
May 01, 2005 23:08

so as you might have guessed from my last entry, i'm stuck here with my gramma (i actually call her nana). and im not to happy about this. its not that i dont love her. shes really sweet and gramma-y. but everything that bothers me about my mom, she does. plus more.

like she had this thing where if we're watching tv together, she HAS to be touching me. nothing like she constantly has to be hugging me or anything, but her hand has to be on my foot, or my leg, or my arm. and as if that wasnt obnoxious enough, she's constantly tapping. not to a beat, not for any rhyme or reason... just tapping. and i cant very well be like, 'STOP TOUCHING ME' like i want to. oh no. i have to sit there and pretend to appreciate her taps of love. and then i'll try to casually move my foot or what ever she's tapping and then she looks really offended and asks me if im ok. and while im thinking 'NO, IM NOT OK, YOU'RE BUGGING THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!!' i cant say that. i have to be polite and just tell her that im fine. then she'll put her hand on my arm or where ever and then the process starts again. i cant stand it.

also, she has the need to have a plan for every single second of the day. here's how a conversation went today:

ME: "so, kelsey and i just finished eating dinner and we're gonna hang out for a while, then i'll probably come home."
NANA: "what does 'hang out' mean?"
ME: "uhhh... i dont know. just chill and talk i guess."
NANA: "well, are you going to hang out here?"
ME: "i'm not really sure, we're just gonna play it by ear."
NANA: "why dont you call me when you have a plan."

WTF!? i was under the impression that 'play it by ear' meant that i dont know what im going to do... read: i dont have a plan.

what planet has she been on?

and one last thing: we were in the car today and the song 'whip it' was on... she'd never heard it.

i repeat: what planet has she been on?
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