The release thread for this beastie is here: Clicky!
Compared to the U97dragon the UPSXdragon is a much sleeker beastie:
Not only does it move differently, it's better shaped too.
The U97dragon fires a stream of devestating yellow fireballs. They're fast, they hit hard, and even with armor or shields they pretty much pulp anybody.
The UPSXdragon (which comes in 2 colors) fires a slow moving green/yellow flame burst which is just as devestating but easier to dodge.
The U97dragon works great for at home games, but on LAN or online there's a problem: Clicky!
I'm assuming the USPX has been tested online but I don't know the status of that.
I already got a map setup for the UPSX, edited from the U97 one... but I'm changing a couple things. Still putting this newer dragon through its paces.
When you're killed by a U97dragon, it says you got incinerated.
When you're killed by a UPSXdragon, it says you got slimed.
Most significant difference is in how they attack. U97dragons tend to go up high really fast, but UPSXdragons stay close to the ground at first.