Jun 08, 2007 15:40
I'm beyond irate right now....
Here's the cliff notes version of the bullshit:
Last night during the storms, while I was sound asleep, the fire dept. is pounding on my door.. to inform me that there were sparks coming from my electric box. They wanted to check that I had power. Everything works. THey don't warn me about anything, so I assume it's all good. I go back to sleep mildly confused and annoyed.
Today, THANK GOD i had an early release... I was at home doing dishes, when all of a sudden ALL electricity goes out. GREAT. what the fuck now....
I hear noise by the electric box, and grab my purse and phone and run out there thinking it's sparking again, and that i'll have to call the fire department. Nope, it's the electric co. coming to disconnect our power. I talked to the guy for a bit to get details... aparently, when the asbestos siding was removed, the people doing the removal did not call to have the electric turned off so they could properly remove the siding underneath the electric box. Therefore something was touching the wall that shouldn't have been. The guy told me the wall could've caught fire easily. WONDERFUCKINGFUL! JuST WHAT I NEED>.... to die a fiery death! THe guy also told me he is surprised WE energies wasn't called last night by the fire dept. after the sparks were observed. GREAT>.... almost 18 whole hours that I could've died. In reality, the siding has been down a month + at this point, so really, my fucking house could've burned down countless times before today.
I call my landlord, whom I do not get a hold of. Lovely. The power can not be turned on until a contractor comes out to make the necessary repairs. Who knows when that will be. grr...
I need to get out of the asbestos covered, faulty wired death trap. and soon.