Nov 20, 2004 12:01

hey guys! yes i don't like jon anymore! woot woot! he's still real hott tho lol. but i like trevor!! he's so hott maaan! and i know i have a lot of a better chance with trevor then jon cuz me and trevor at least talk cuz he sits right next to me in Art, and we're kinda friends so yea. and yeterday he kept asking me who i liked cuz i told him i dont like jon anymore lol. he was like "pleeeeeease" i was like "i can't tell u!" lol so dan even asked me i cant tell him either cuz he's like best friends with trevor and he'd tell him, and even if he didn't, like alla and nikki said yesterday, he'd give him hints and stuff. anyways.. yea there's more about this in my xanga.

so yesterday, after school, or a little later then that, nikki told me she was gonna come over, i was like ok! lol and then alla came too. we had so much fun being stupid and cracking up, we played scrabble! haha and we had soda and we were so hyper and just cracking up and it was so fun and funny. then we were hungry so we ordered pizza, and alla still wanted to see Mean Girls, so we watched that in my room on my DVD player, and at like 10:30 or so, alla left, and then me and nikki were waiting in front of my house on the porch for her dad to pick her up, and we were talking about our "hims" lolol. and then she lefted me, and i went online! it was fun.

lalala i'm bored. i woke up today and just went right online lol. and omfg my computer is getting me SO mad, i wanna listen to songs off xanga sites on windows media player and it's not working! and the blinkies that nitza made me are red x's.. i'm ready to throw this thing out the window!! lol. ok anyways.. ima go!

lan. <3*
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