May 19, 2005 22:16
1. When were you born: June 13th, 1983
2.Where were you born: Detroit Michigan
3.What was your first grade teacher's name: I don't even remember my 10th grade teachers. That's sad.
4. What was your first pets name and what was it: dog.
5. What was your worst accident (medical): I broke my leg and I now have a rod and pins in it.
6. What was your favorite cartoon: zoobalee zoo. Everytime I tell someone that I feel so old cause no one can remember it.
7. Who was your first best friend: Katie
8. When was the first time you ever went on a plane: never have and never and hights don't mix.
9. Who was your first boyfriend: Joe Smith
10. What was your favorite song when you were in the 5th grade: I dont remeber.
11. What was your favorite movie in the 2nd grade: Once again....dont remember.
12. What did you want to be when you grew up: A vet
13. What used to be your favorite color: blue
14. What was your favorite subject: math
15. Did you ever wet your pants at school: I wet the bed alot but never in school....HA
16. Did you ever get sent to the principal: quite a few times.
17. Did you ever start a food fight: I don't think so
19. What was your favorite toy: barbies of course.
20. Did you ever suck your thumb: Yes...up until I was like 10. LOL, i was such a dork.
21. What time is it: 1:33 am
22. What's the date: may 19, 2005
23. What grade are you in: Im done with school for the moment
24. Who is your best friend: jackie, rachel, chrissy and joe.
27. Do you have any pets? 1 dog and a ferrett
28. If so what is its name: my dog is layla and the ferrett is freddie.
29. What is your favorite subject in school: was math
30. What color of hair do you have: the top is brown and underneath is black.
31. What kind of music do you listen to: hip hop, alternative, some rock and some country.
32. Do you still watch cartoons: just the adult ones like family guy and futurama.
33. What is your favorite TV show: everything on mtv pretty much.
34. Do you get online often: no
35. What's your worst fear: losing someone I love
36. What's your favorite color: blue and pink
37. What state do you live in: Michigan
38. Do you have a b/f g/f: yes :)
39. What's your favorite type of food: steak and subs
40. Do you drive: yes
41. What do you want to be when you grow up: a journalist
42. Do you want to go to college: yes
43. Do you want to get married: yes
44. If so at what age...if not why: anytime....doesnt matter to me.
45. Do you want to have kids: I think more than 2 but I dont want a girl...I want sounds so mean.
47. At what age do you think you'll live to be: 105 I hope!!
48.Where do you want to live when you're 35: wherever my family and friends are.
49. What movie do you want to see next Saturday night: dont have one in mind.
50. What time do you think you will go to bed when you're 70 (if you plan to live that long)? prolly early....who knows, who cares.
51. Do you think you will have the same friends as you do now: a few of them definitly but some of them prolly not.
52. Do you think everyone will be jealous of you at your 10th high school reunion: I dont know, I wont be there. lol
53. Do you want to be president of the U.S.: definitly not
54. Do you want to walk on the moon: most definitly not.
55. Do you want to be famous: that would be fun
56. What kind of housing do you want to live in: A huge old victorian house with a wrap around porch.
57. What color do you think your hair will be when you're 50: as long as it's not white I dont
58. Do you think you will still have the same personality when you're 60: personality will be even better. :)
and one more...
1. What time did you start this survey? around 1:30 I guess.
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Rachel Ann Smith
3. Also known as: Radio and Smitty...isnt that nice that my friends call me after a retarted black guy.
4. Sex: female
5. What is your screen name? Dvineimprfection
6. What does it mean? that my imperfections are
7. Last Name You Want in the Future: Cosnowski
8. How old are you?: i'll be 22 in less than a month.....god thats so hard for me to say.
9. Age You Want to Be: 10
10. Age You Want to Marry: didnt they ask this already?
11. When is your birthday?: 6/13/83
12. Where were you born?: Detroit.....I could have sworn they asked this
13. Siblings: my big sis kristen
14. Parents: Rose and Zander if you wanna call him a parent.
15. Pets: Does any one hear that echo? WTF?
16. Height: 5'2
17. weight: 110lb....ha yeah, from the stomach up.....lmao
18. Hair color: BROWN AND BLACK.....SHEESH
19. What color you wish it was?: brown and black
20. Eye color: blue
21. What color you wish they were?: blue
22. Describe what you look like: no
23. Are you a righty a lefty or ambidextrous?: righty
24. Zodiac sign: gemini
25. Current Residence: Hell
26. School: none
27. Who You'd Want to be With: my family and friends and my baby.
28. What Would Your One Food Be: steak
29. One item you would want: toilet
30. How You'd Get Off the Island?: click my heals 3 times
31. Do you have some annoying nervous habit? chewing my finger nails
32. Do you bite your nails?: hmmmm
33. Do you pick your nose?: eww...isnt that what tissue's for?
34. Are you double jointed?: nope
35. Can you roll your tongue? nope
36. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? no but now i feel really fuckin stupid cause im sitting here trying.
37. Can you blow smoke rings? yes
38. Can you blow spit bubbles? of course
39. Can you do the splits? ouch
40. Can you flare your nostrils? who can't?
41. Can you cross your eyes? yeah
42. Any tattoos and where of what? no
43. Piercing and where?: 1 in my labret
44. Do you make your bed daily? absolutly not
45. Have you ever turned your clothes inside-out to avoid laundry? not that I can recall.
46. Do you do the laundry? mine and joe's
47. Do you clean your house? yea like once a week
48. Girls - what goes on first, bra or underwear? whatever I put on first.
49. Which shoe goes on first? which ever one i put on first.
51. On the average, how much money do you carry n your purse/wallet? 20 cents
52. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? rings and necklace
53. Girls - what's sexier on a guy...a suit, khakis, or jeans?: jeans
54. Favorite Piece of Clothing: my jeans and capries
55. Least Favorite Piece of Clothing: coats
56. Do you ever lie?: I try not to
57. Have you ever cheated on a quiz or a test?: prolly
58. Have you ever successfully snuck into a movie?: prolly
59. Least Favorite Person: i can't put it in here.
60. How do you eat an OREO? lick the inside and then put it back together and it it whole.
61. Do you wind your spaghetti or cut it? wind
62. Have you ever eaten Spam? eww
63. Do you wait for the ice cream to thaw or attack? well i dont like my ice cream soupy so I guess I attack? WTF does that mean? wait for your ice cream to thaw?
64. What is your favorite flavor? vanilla
65. Do you skip meals? all the time
66. How many cereals in your cabinet? alot but it's not mine.....i havent had cereal in so long.
67. What's your favorite beverage? I love pop but I recently gave it up so im gonna go with green tea.
68. What's your favorite restaurant? outback
69? What utensils do you use to eat pizza? either my hands or a fork.
70. Do you cook?: if you call taking the wraper off something and putting it in the microwave or oven then yes.
71. How do you brush your teeth? wtf?!? well i put the tooth brush in my mouth and move it back and forth.
72. How often do you shower/bathe? either everyday or every other day.
73. How long does your shower last: like 30 minutes.
74. Do you dry your hair with the blower or natural air? natural
75. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: yea....2 times
76. If that fountain of youth existed, would you drink from it?: prolly not
77. Do you paint your nails?: what nails....didnt we already establish that I chew them?
78. Girls - do you shave in the shower or electronically?: I shave my legs and arm pits in the shower and other parts electronically.
79. Would you rather be 50 lb. overweight or inflicted with genital
herpes?: 50 lbs overweight most definitly.
80. Do you have allergies? nope
81. How many cavities? i dont know
82. Ever broken a bone? coller bone and my tibula and fibula.
83. Do you swear?: all the time
85. Guys - have you ever opened the door for a girl?:
86. Actor/Actress: denzell washington
87. Animal: monkey and dogs.
88. Food: steak and subs for pete sakes.
90. Colorz: PINK AND BLUE
91. Favorite Day:prolly wednesdays and fridays cause those are the days I have off of work.
93. Favorite Flower: rose i guess
94. Favorite Place to Have a Sleepover: I dont do sleepovers anymore.
95. Favorite Shoe Brand: puma
96. Favorite Subject in school : math.....grrrr
97. Favorite hair color: ?????
98. Favorite song: God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you.
99. Favorite Person to talk to: joe
100. Favorite Group/Singer: incubus and my machine
101. Favorite sport: to
102. Favorite body part on/in you: dont have one
103. Favorite body part on the opp: stomach, back and neck
104. Favorite TV show: anything on mtv......if they ask me one more quetion that they have already asked im skipping it.
105. Favorite Movie: sweet home alabama and hitch.
106. Favorite Holiday: Christmas.
107. Favorite Part Of Newspaper: dont read the newspaper.
108. Favorite Toothpaste: i dont know
109. Favorite Store: deb
110. Favorite Toy: I cant
111. Favorite Book: a child called it
112. Favorite Vacationing Spot: daytona beach
113. Favorite thing to do in spring: ???
114. Favorite Thing To Do In The summer: ????
115. Favorite Thing To Do In The fall: ????
116. Favorite Thing To Do In The winter: sledding and snow ball fights
117. Favorite Perfume or cologne: lucky you
118. Favorite TV Station: mtv
119. Favorite Model (Male or Female): ????
120. Favorite Game: ???
121. Favorite Neighbor: ????
122. Have you ever played in a band? nope
123. Are you more afraid of spiders or snakes? spiders
124. Straight, bi or gay? Straight
125. Do you reuse wrapping paper? no
126. Person you talk most on the phone with: joe or my mom
127. Have you ever given a gift away that had already been given to you? no
128. Ever taken a cab? no
129. What color is your bedroom?
131. Do you set your watch ahead? no
132. Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex?: no not yet
133. Ever sunbathed nude? no but topless yes
134. What's in your glove compartment? junk
135. What's your sleep position? on my back
136. What kind of bed do u like? comfortable ones
137. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? yes
138. What do you sleep in? depends on the weather
139. Do you snore? no
140. Do you sleepwalk? no
141. Do you talk in your sleep? no
142. Do you get thirsty at night? yea
143. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? no
144. How bout with the light on? no it has to be pitch black in order for me to fall asleep.
145. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? it has to be completly silent for me to fall asleep.
146. Have you ever had that falling dream? yea all the time.
147. What is the nicest thing a guy could do for you?love me unconditionally.
148. What do you look for in a guy? if he doesnt have a sense on humor he doesnt have a chance with me.
149. What is the first thing you notice when you look at a guy? face
150. What do you think of cheating? i think it's a shitty thing to do
151. Makeup should we have to wear it or not? wd dont have to wear it we choose to.
152. Are you a virgin? no
153. How much do you weigh?
154. Tell the truth did you ever wish you could look like Barbie? prolly when i was young
155. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? yea
156. Have you ever drank alcohol? i am right now
157. Have you ever done any drugs? im my past
**EITHER/ OR...**
170. Coke or Pepsi? pepsi
171. Oranges or apples? oranges
172. One pillow or two?: one
173. Deaf or blind? deaf
174. Pools or hot tubs? hot tubs
175. Blondes or brunettes? either...i dont care
176. Tall or short? tall
177. Window seat or aisle? window
178. TV or radio? radio
179. Beach or pool? beach
181. Hamburger or Hot-dog? hambuger
182. Love or Lust?? love
183. Barbie or GI Joe? barbie
184. Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee? jackie chan
185. Action or Love Stories? love
186. Tic-Tacs or certs? certs
187. Planes, Trains, or Automobiles? automobiles
188. Snooze button or jump out of bed? definitly snooze button
189. Sunrise or Sunset? sunrise
190. Hamburger or Cheeseburger? cheeseburger
191. Morning person or night person? night person
192. Sports or news? news
193. Bikini or one-piece? bikini
194. Indoors or Outdoors? outdoors
195. Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? christmas eve
196 got deleted and I don't know why
197. Bert or Ernie? ernie
198. Spicy or Mild?: spicy
199. Spearamint or Pepperment: spearamint
200. Call or Write? call
201. Peanut Butter, Jelly, or Fluff?: jelly
202. Dog or Cat?: dog
203. City or country? country
204. Ski or Swim? ski
205. Bath or shower? bath
206. Book or Movie? movie
207. Green, Yellow, or Red apples?: green
208. Rain or Snow?: rain
209. Nike or Adidas?: adidas
210. Took a shower? last night
211. Watched Bambi?: never seen it
212. Cried? yesterday :(
213. Got a real letter?: who knows
214. Talked on the phone?: earlier to allison
217. Where do you see yourself in ten years?: with joe.
218. Your profession: journalist
219. Future School: not sure
220. Car of Your Dreams: a big truck prolly
221. I Want To Live In: daytona beach
222. What time did you finish this survey?: its not done yet so i dont know
223. Did you like it?: not really
224. Was it Long? yes....i thought about quitting like 10 times
225. Was it boring? kinda
226. Do you have a life? yea but it is like 2 in the morning
227. What's one word to describe your sex life? alright
228. What do you wish you could be doing instead of this dumb survey? camping
229. Who are you in love w/? Joe
230. got deleted..don't know why
231. ARE U A SEX FREAk: no
232. who do you like? Joe
233. Are you goin 2 send it bak 2 the person who sent it 2 you? no one sent this to me
234: if your life depended on it who would u say was ur best friend? Jackie and Joe
235: who out of all of your friends do you feel the safest with? Joe
236. who do you think will actually respond to this? no one
237:Of all your friends who do you at this moment feel the closest to? joe and chrissy