REALLY, just do it ;

Jan 26, 2004 21:18

[Taken from xthinkitover]

Recommend to me ...

1. a movie

2. a book

3. a musical artist, song, or album

4. an LJ user not on my friend's list
[This one is optional, but if you know someone worth it you should do it]

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Comments 48

tranquil_riot January 26 2004, 19:24:30 UTC
1. American History X
2. Dude, Where's My Country by Michael Moore
3. Jupiter Sunrise


killmequick777 January 26 2004, 21:11:14 UTC
I showed her American History X, asshole.
BAD RY. Don't steal my movie!
justkidding of course. Iloveyou!


w00t4me January 26 2004, 19:30:14 UTC
1) 2001: a space oddesy

2) 1984

3) diomonds and guns - the transplants

4) w00t4me


w00t4me January 26 2004, 19:33:19 UTC
change 3 to 1979 - smashing pumpkings. just to keep my year theme going.


carsonface January 26 2004, 19:31:22 UTC
1. Punch Drunk Love
2. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence
3. Aloha "Sugar" (Album)


boyscreamo January 26 2004, 19:32:22 UTC
1. the royal tenenbaums

2.*survivor* by chuck palahniuk

3."the creek drank the cradle" by Iron&Wine



likeisaid January 26 2004, 19:38:01 UTC
Ah! i was so going to say Survivor....
now you must read it claire!
you can read mine...
well it's not reeeaaally mine, but i have it so hey!


boyscreamo January 26 2004, 19:40:16 UTC
have you read the rest of chuck palahniuk's books?


likeisaid January 26 2004, 19:42:26 UTC
I have read Fight Club
and Choke.
What ones have you read?


i love my claire. likeisaid January 26 2004, 19:34:48 UTC
1. Trainspotting,Full Metal Jacket, or Battle Royal

2. Porno, by Irvine Welsh, or Nine Stories by J.D Salinger

3. Sondre Lerche! heh, just kidding, i owe that one all to you...
hmm....Boards of Canada
4. Samthebannaman-you know..heh.


Re: i love my claire. sweetnio January 26 2004, 21:58:30 UTC
9 stories.
its good.


Re: i love my claire. carsonface January 27 2004, 01:21:02 UTC
boards of canada. hell yes. like massive attack or aphex twin?


Re: i love my claire. likeisaid January 27 2004, 09:18:48 UTC
indeed...haven't heard much massive attack,
but yes on the aphex twin


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