Gah! *stole your word*

Nov 14, 2005 19:50

Why does life depend so much on love? It's just irritating how every second of my life is determined by my happiness which is determined by the way he is to me.

Wether he loves me and acts like it or loves me and acts like I'm bugging the hell out of him. Everyone else is the same don't act like you aren't. Maybe you don't have feelings for someone now but when you do your life revolves around how they feel towards you.

You do anything in your power to attract them to you and when you fail your brain goes into suicide mode for atleast 3 seconds which in turn makes your whole body sad for about a week. It's either an incredibly amazing thing or a completely miserable thing.

There is no in between. You don't look at love and just go, "Eh, I'm impartial." You're either completely head over heels or you're laying in the gutter. I feel so frustrated that my entire being is controlled by something like that.

The even more annoying thing is how people choose to react to these feelings. Writing mopey songs about being betrayed and hurt. (Since when is not having feelings for someone betrayal?) Filling everyones day with smoochey lovey gooshieness wether they want to hear it or not. (Once in a while is ok...but every second of every day?)

Where is my friend behind all the smoosh? I hate how it changes people. I try to be myself WITH him...I don't want to turn into the girl who talks about nothing but her significant other. I hate that person. I don't want to be that person. I want to keep being who my friends know and love. (I hope haha)

For the first week yeah it was cute but now I try NOT to begin sentences with, "Russell said..." or "Today Russell did..." because noone cares. They're my friend for me. Not to listen to me drag on and on about someone they don't know.

And if it ends I don't want to be the girl who locks herself in her room and refuses to speak or eat or move for months. I have people on that end of the spectrum too. Yeah it sucks and granted yeah you should have your month of sadness. But if I'm trying to help you and get you out of the house you can't keep refusing because how is it going to get better when you just sit in your room surrounded my pictures of him that just continue to eat your heart? Don't dwell. Fix...

Man I'm tired and I'm done...I don't need comments because I'm sure you're not going to like what I said and you know...I don't care...freedom of speech...I'm not even going to read comments so just don't bother.

Love you lovers,
Kristen Cook
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