Feel free to remove me from your *friend's list*

Oct 10, 2005 22:02

Hrm...had a wierd night...went to Josh and Kelly's ....
I pretty much just dont like josh and told him so...
He treats his wife like shit and I just don't like him :)...that's that...
We played Cranium and he got pissed cuz i knew hard answers he didnt...
This is the same guy who said I was cheating because I could guess the puzzles on Wheel of Fortune when there were only 2 letters...
and then after realizing how stupid he was and that you can't cheat at a show ur watching on tv....
he proceeded to make fun of me and told me i had no life as a kid so i read too much and watched too much tv...yeah retard...
anyway...i love my husband...we spent all yesterday in seattle and it was the best day ive ever spent....
and we only spent 50 dollars :)
we're looking to go to the symphony here soon...when he comes back from his recruiting trip...

and to all you fuckers with websites like *opposethetroops.com* and just anyone in general who is a dickhead and has anything negative to say about my husbands line of work...

I love my husband and I'm proud of him and even though our president is a retard some guys like being overseas and like that they get to be there and help people and see things...
so I think it's ignorant for people to say that the troops are bad people for fighting in a war...you know what? it's a job...
we get paid...he does regular work just like everyone else...someone has to do this and if we have to do it we're going to get paid for it...
im sick of assholes saying we get paid too much and we should have to pay for our own healthcare and our own housing...
Yeah...you try living your life, paying health insuranse, paying for your housing...on $850...that's how much he made before he got married...
if you're going to go after people and say their jobs are bullshit and they shouldnt have what they have....
go for people who are trying to kill you like the cigarette people...they don't care if you die....as long as they make money...
leave people like my husband the FUCK alone because the only reason he does any of the shit he does is so we can make ends meet and so people like you can have anything you want in life...
you think he WANTS to die? you think he WANTS to leave me alone for a year at a time?...*ok well maybe that one haha jk* you think he wants to miss the birth of his child...u think he wants to miss first birthdays...third birthdays...10th birthdays...because he's deployed?
you wouldnt be able to say any of the shit you say about them if it werent for people like him...im fucking proud as HELL of my husband...i don't want him to die but if he dies defending your sorry ass and your sorry ass beliefs im still gonna be proud as hell...

and im still gonna be spitting on your carcass when you get what's coming to you...


going on northwest trek sometime
should be a lot of fun...went and got scrapbooking stuff today...
gonna take the cam with us everywhere...so we can document our life together haha...
had to park ALL the way up the driveway and around the corner...it's like a quarter mile away from our apt...we have to do this a lot
so were gonna go talk to management...they towed some ladies car cuz she parked in front of the dumpster...her and her little boy were outside crying...it was so sad...
it's rediculous that ppl have like 4 cars and no lives so we all have to park forever away...poopie heads...
we get our car back wed!!!!!! with tinted windows and a sunroof!!!! yay~!!!!!!
ok that's all...i love my husband! bye!
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