30 random things about myself.

May 29, 2004 10:41

try this, it's fun. make a list of 30 random things about yourself that you think other people would enjoy reading.

1) i wear bottom and top retainers at night. i have to wear them until i'm 21. or is it 18? something like that.
2) one day in february i went into the city to see chicago, and it was pouring. and i mean really pouring. walking through new york city in the pouring rain was the most beautiful thing you could ever experience.
3) if jonathan larson was still alive and i met him, i would probably faint or start crying hysterically. i wouldn't even be able to have a conversation with him unless somebody gave me a ton of sedatives beforehand. yes, i idolize him that much.
4) while i am strong willed, i am also very lazy.
5) when i get complimented on my flute playing, at first i feel proud of myself but then it turns to guilt because i know that if i practiced, i could be so much better.
6) i really don't think paris hilton is all that pretty.
7) while i can appreciate almost any type of performing art, i find it hard to appreciate fine art. i was bored to death at the frick museum, as well as the guggenheim. and i haven't visited the met in a while, but if i did i'm sure i would be bored.
8) although i don't like paintings much, the only "still" artform i like is photography. i think it portrays a gorgeous and personal view on the world and it's not a talent you acquire, it's a talent you're born with.
9) one of the most gorgeous places in the world is central park.
10) i don't know what a number of the words mean for that "mood" thing up there. i stick to using the words i know.
11) extremely sensitive guys get on my nerves, but a guy has to be at least a little sensitive for me to be interested in him.
12) i think everyone looks so much better when they smile.
13) if i had 3 wishes, i would use one of them to wish for straight hair.
14) when i overhear conversations between ghetto people, i laugh.
15) eighth grade was the absolute best year of my life so far, and i'd do anything to live it over again.
16) i think guys look better with dark eyes, but girls look better with light eyes.
17) while i hate math and science, genetics fascinates me.
18) i usually end up liking teachers when i don't have them anymore. (for example- miss leon. she pissed me off a lot when i had her but now she's my favorite teacher ever and i miss her so much.)
19) i like the word edgy. a lot.
20) british accents transfix me. they're just so fucking cool! i would pay anyone 20 dollars if they spoke in a british accent to me all day long. the world would just be better off british.
21) i think simon cowell is attractive. even though he's 40 something years old.
22) i'm still pissed off about clay aiken not winning american idol during the second season.
23) sometimes i don't realize how stubborn i am.
24) if i could live in any era, i would live in the roaring 20's.
25) flip flops are goddesses.
26) sometimes i say things without really meaning them. for example, when i say i hate someone or something, it's never true, because i don't really hate anything. it's just dislike, not hate.
27) guys should shave as much as girls do- that means no leg hair, underarm hair, or facial hair. the world would just be better off with no hair except the hair on your head. thanks very much.
28) i can't wait until senior year.
29) my first choice college is NYU, and if i don't get in, i will either have a breakdown or kill myself.
30) a sense of humor is one of the best qualities a human being can posses.
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