RiP AIDA 09.05.04 =[
way to leave AP unemployed.. grr
so... i saw Wicker Park on friday night, what a confusing movie.. it reminded me of Swimfan only not nearly as suspenseful / exciting.. yeah so don't see it. please.
3 day weekends are great. why can't they have them every week? we don't need to go to school on mondays. come on...
MY SHOW WiSHLiST (inspired by Caroline..)
- Bare
- Brooklyn
- Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
- Avenue Q
- RENT (again)
- WICKED (again)
- Phantom (just because the music is great, and its a classic)
Lalala.. i don't know what i'm doing today besides history homework..
oh yeah i forgot to mention school started, haha. my history teacher gave us so much homework over labor day weekend. she sucks.