Re: Voldemort Plot

Jan 15, 2006 00:46

To start, Jane's physical injuries are as follows:

Mild concussion
Knife cuts along her inner left thigh
Abrasions of varying degrees on her back, ankles, wrists, arms, and the corners of her mouth
Split lip
Bruise on her left cheek
Bruising on her hips, thighs, shoulders, and neck
Rectal hemmoraging

Jane's physical injuries are far less significant than her psychological and emotional ones. She has been raped and generally abused, and there's really no easy way around something like that. I've been doing a fair bit of reading to try and get a proper perspective on this, and to possibly predict what will be happening with her in the coming weeks and months, to a degree.

Jane will be suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Expect her to emotionally detach for at least the first few days that she is back. Upon a great deal of consideration, I have concluded that during this time, the only two people whom she will have much of any response to are Jake and House. The reasoning behind this is that they are the only two people on the island whom she trusts to not hurt her. And not that I would expect anyone to, but for this reason it is imperative that no one get a sudden case of word vomit and tell her about House and Chase.

Speaking of Chase, the one exception to the above would be him. I would say that it's not simply possible but rather probable that at first Jane will have a rather violent negative reaction to his presence, especially should he attempt to touch her. Chase was the reason why she left in the first place, so I think it is pretty safe to assume that while she's so mentally unstable, she will connect him with the experience.

Now, just because she will be generally unresponsive in those first critical days does not mean that she should be left alone by those she's seemingly ignoring. Talking to her, playing music, etcetera would all be very good for her.

Eventually, she will begin to cope a bit better, and will begin talking and interacting again. However, in the coming months you can expect persistant nightmares and possible waking flashbacks, extreme jumpiness, a great deal of wariness around pretty much everyone, even if she knows them (and yes, even if she loves them), and general anti-socialness. Familiar touches, even innocent, could send her into a panic.

As there are no psychotropic drugs on the island, the best therapy for Jane will be talking, even if it's about the seemingly mundane. Additionally, she will likely find encouragement in her pregnancy once she really starts showing (which is actually quite soon.) After she has become a bit more emotionally-stable, I think that it might be a good idea to reintroduce her to Rob, because I feel that the resolution of her issues with him would be a great help in her resolving her PTSD.


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