Title: Missed Your Skin When You Were East
(Oh, and it's the sequel to Made of Silver, Not of Clay)
Word Count: 19,453
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Brendon/Ryan, various permutations of boys and their real girlfriends, Pete/Mikey, a moment of Brendon/Sisky
Disclaimer: The concept is mine, the boys are not. More's the pity.
Summary: Brendon is back
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And like, I have to leave comments about all three on this one because I couldn't stop and comment, I HAD to keep reading until I'd finished all three stories.
The first story (Made of Silver...)
Oh dear god.
It was like the movie 28 Days Later, except there are no fucking zombies. Just that setting.
And it kind of reminded me of the Incubus video for "Warning". But kind of not.
And it was kind of like the remake of Dawn Of The Dead, but again, no zombies.
And it was like the movie Wristcutters, except it was different, but that heartache and their longing was still there.
When Ryan has the silk scarves in the mall...oh my god. You have no idea how much my heart tightened up at that. I was so glad Brendon was there to save him.
I'm pretty sure I gasped out loud when you wrote that Ryan had disappeared.
Because their love was like, EPIC, and he couldn't just vanish.
And PeteandMikey.... Long live The Summer Of Like.
Just, the confusion about coming and going and Gerard and never letting go of Pete... heartwrenching.
Where Summers Lasted Longer...
Gerard explaining that he'd been there twice and everything, insane.
But my heartstrings...they snapped when I read Missed Your Skin...
I had been reading insanely because I HAD to find out how Brendon was going to explain everything to Ryan, IF he was going to tell Ryan.
I was SO worried, and then Gerard came in.
I was so relieved that Brendon was able to talk to somebody about THERE.
And just, like, I told myself that this story HAD to have an ending where Ryan remembered something, or at least Brendon telling him about something.
But just.....HE KNEW THE WHOLE TIME, but he thought it was a dream and that he was crazy...that tore my heart in half. The fast that he tried to make himself forget, but he couldn't make himself forget Brendon....
PLEASE tell me you have intentions of making a sequel to this sequel, because I kind of want to pitch a tent and live in this verse forever.
I have never been this enthralled/moved by a story.
Kudos to you, my friend.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go sob/cry/sniffle myself to sleep, now that I am an emotional wreck.
I...honestly hadn't even though about writing any kind of follow-up story. I suppose it's not COMPLETELY out of the question, because I'm rather in love with this verse, myself, and writing in it has been some of my favourite writing ever. However, I really have no idea where I'd go with it, after this. I'll be thinking about it now, though.
Thanks again.<3
Maybe have it not so much as a sequel, but kind of like another prequel that could explain how Ryan got there, what he did by himself in that mall for all those years alone, why he had almost resorted to silk scarves as a way out,(and while I'm at it, what would happen to someone's real life self if they committed suicide in the alternate universe?), and how he lived with thinking he was crazy for four years... (What bit's did he remember about Brendon? What could he not forget? What did he WANT to forget?)
Because honestly, I find myself pondering what the hell Ryan had to have been thinking in his mind all that time...trying to forget, but not being able to, and making his life a sort of self-fulfilled prophecy, but not.
Sorry if I sound like I already have a prequel planned for you, LOL. I just know that I couldn't fall asleep last night because I was pondering all of this, so I thought I'd put it out there : )
Because I forgot to write about it last night, let me add that the return of the scarves, and Ryan's seeming unawareness of why Brendon freaked out... I almost started shouting at my computer, because it honestly had me spooked.
I was thinking that maybe Ryan hadn't reached the point in his real life where he made the transistion into the alternate universe. I was SO afraid he was going to do something to himself.
And The Middle Of Summer....just, how it crept up into the story that maybe, just maybe, Ryan was more aware of things than he let on to be. That gave me so much hope that Ryan would remember something.
And because I have rambled on again, I am going to shut up now, and go reread Made Of Silver before I have to go work.
Damn. I was supposed to be done with this. I am SO BAD at just putting my foot down and saying, "No, I'm not writing that." I suppose that for now I'll just say...I guess the door isn't as closed on this verse as I'd thought it was, and I'll definitely be considering it. If it does end up being written, though, it may not be for awhile (though I'm also bad at not ending up writing epics, so who really knows?). Thanks for the suggestions, though. I really do have a lot to think on, now.
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