street car notes

May 20, 2008 19:41

Throughout Streetcar, there is constant conflict between Stanley Kowalski and Blanche DuBois.

B Saywood
Dialogue in Streetcar constantly embody confrontation of Blanche and Stanley.
The play is a comment on decline of civilization and trampling on mans finer extinct...the implacable brutality of the modern world

Stanley's sexual magnetism

Fiona Tolan
Blanche cannot escape society's condemnations of her old world...she cannot relinquish her certain code of honor of female perfection...

tension: the poker night where men are at the table then women are behind the screen.
Belle Reve is a "beautiful dream" - no longer a reality

instances where Desire has lead to Death or vice versa (this is me scrounging for examples btw)
-the desire for Allan Grey leads to Blanche discovering he is degenerate, telling him he was disgusting then him committing suicide.
-She feels guilt/self loathing and has a series of "intimacies with strangers" for "protection". however, she also realizes that her promiscuous behavior does not fit with her ideal as the "prim and proper" southern Belle. And so this vicious cycle continues etc etc...
-"Flores par los Muertos" the eerie repetition of this by the mexican woman
-Desire being the little death, and desire leads to the seventh heaven
-Stella's desire for Stanley is the death of her genteel past yet leads to the paradise of motherhood

quotes, english literature, streetcar, exam, tenessee williams

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