(no subject)

Jun 15, 2007 20:18

I'm off to the Healer in a little while. Still have a nasty gash on my arm from when I helped Ernie move in Susan's flat.

Funny story, actually: I was carrying Ern's box of clothes and couldn't resist rummaging through it to find embarrassing articles of clothing. (I was quite sure he had some. No offense, mate- we all had them at some point.) Lo and behold, a rather compromising pair was sititng on the very bottom. I immediately levitated it to the backyard where everybody else was. I heard the girls giggling. And the next thing I know, a furious Ernie burst in the room, screamed bloody murder at me, and hauled the nearest object towards my general direction. Unfortunately, it has to be a very pointy, very heavy wooden box of... shall we call... doom.

On the bright side, I'm glad every thing's back to normal in our little quartet. I really did miss Ernie, and Han, and Sus, and swapping stories and jokes and just having a jolly good time. Normalcy is abrilliant concept. Who am I kidding, though? Not every thing is back to the way it was. But still the last get-together was a marked improvement... You know what I mean. I've come to realize maybe I was rather unfair in forcing her into something she's not ready for. And that maybe, it just was not meant to be. And I'm ready to look past everything and start from scratch. I just want to be okay. I think I'm starting to be.

Sus, there are things better left unsaid. Why I left. Where I went. How I still feel. Let's look past it and move on. And I'm sorry if I hurt you, or if I still am hurting you unintentionally. But no matter how thick-skulled I am, I do know when it's time to let go. I get it. We're friends. That's all we're ever going to be in this lifetime. I find that concept still hard to swallow, but if it's the only way that I could keep you... then I submit.

Ernie, mate. It would interest you to know that I stole your beloved boxers. If you want them back, you need to floo over to the sports bar tonight. They have a special screening of the game tonight in this dome thing that I can't even begin to describe. It's just phenomenal, and I have tickets and we are going to watch it!!!
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