Dec 10, 2009 17:23
Study old tropes. And by old, I mean mid-fourteenth century and beyond.
Did you know the Harlequin trope comes from the Zanni category of comic servant characters in the Commedia dell'arte? Arlecchino stands out among the other Zanni for being incredibly brainless and acrobatic. Most of his lazzi are based around either haplessly pursuing his object d'amoure or being tricked.
He has an older-brother type of archetype labeled Brighella- smart, cruel, and impeccably dressed. He can do pretty much anything, if the plot requires it, and he's one of the few Zanni's that kill. The only way the other characters escape from his traps or overthrow his designs is based on pure luck.
I like Pierrot best
don't kill the minstrel,
i leik stories,
nerd talk