Jul 30, 2012 00:58
Take all of out binder
sort out which cards have doubles (not repeats same pokemon different art.)
Take cards and sort into four piles
take pile one and take card off top
Put down somewhere
sort through first pile looking for that card
put any found cards on top of first card and continue on with second/third/fourth pile
when finished put cards in a different pile
If no other cards are found then put the single card in a different pile next to double pile
Continue on until all cards from pile one are sorted then go onto pile two
Sort as mentioned above
When done with pile two move on to pile three
Continue onto pile four when done with pile three
Pick up doubles pile and make sure all cards are facing the right way
go through pile and make sure all doubles are with the correct pokemon
choose which card you like best out of each pokemon that has a double.
Put "unwanted" doubles in a pile
Go through pile where the cards don't have a double
Make sure all cards are facing right way
Make sure no doubles are in the singles pile. (or a card which you know has a double in the single pile.)
Combine pile of singles and pile of "chosen" doubles into one pile
Sort cards into generations
Sort out black and white cards into pile
Sort out diamond/pearl cards into different pile
Sort out ruby/sapphire cards into different pile
Sort out gold/silver cards into different pile
Sort out red/blue/yellow cards into different pile
Sort out cards that have no pokedex number on them into pile
Take uknown pile to leslie and go through bulbapedia write down numbers
put all cards in respective places in respective piles
Take red/bue/yellow pile and split into two piles
Look for bulbasaur and evolutions
put on bottom of pile
go through whole red/blue/yellow pile until you get highest number on top
Put pile down
Go through gold/silver pile repeating steps for red/blue/yellow pile
Put that pile down
Go through ruby/sapphire pile
Put pile down
Go through diamond pearl pile
Put pile down
Go through black and white pile
put pile down
Go through pile of uknown pokedex number pile to see if you missed any
Fix accordingly if you did
Put in binder
Start with red/blue/yellow pile. Put cards in binder put spaces of cards you don't have yet
go through all piles until reach end of binder
Put all extra cards in skymin tin
Go to bulbapedia and write on pieces of paper all cards you are missing (in respective spots)
move around cards if in wrong spots
Sit and stare. stretch.
Yes this all took me four days to do! 230 cards not including doubles/repeats.
daily happenings,