This morning:
Two jobs, one on top of the other. Betty due shortly, to take us on weekly marketing trip, destinations unknown (the Mom isn't sure). I'm making a list of things to get or do on our trip out, with Mom irritated at being asked what she wants. I'm waiting for FedEx to deliver pages, though delivery here tends to be later than it was back home. I'm in the bedroom, door closed, at the computer trying to make quick sample entries for one client to review for formatting and style before we have to go.
Mom, knocking at door, talking talking talking.
"Were you expecting a delivery from FedEx?"
"Well, it isn't here."
Mom wounded at my reaction.
I'm also now discovering that, damn it, all the freshly laundered clothing I just put on is itchy and irritating-- I'm allergic to a LOT of detergents and soaps, and lately my skin has been ultra sensitive. My hands and palms itch, I have a rash across my back and over my shoulders, and I have other intimate areas affected horribly. Benadryl cream seems to help some places, but not my hands, which are bleeding from my scratching. I've used all the hand soaps here before without consequences. I've put everything from my richest hand creams to A&D ointment on my hands with limited relief. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm allergic to the water. I know it sounds stupid. I washed the clothes myself, with the clear stuff Mom buys for me and the dye-free and scent-free softener. Doctor checkup on Thursday. I hoped I wouldn't have to mention it to him.
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