I'm writing at least one, possibly two, Christmas-themed stories now. I've had to reread some of my old things to refresh my memory of some characters.
Between the two, I saw how many Christmas and winter stories I'd written. Well, many for me; I'm an unproductive writer. For my own reference, if nothing else, here's the list -- links to AO3, as I no longer have a website of my own. The Highlander stories are also on
Highlander Fiction archive.
Everything here is Highlander except the first one.
Plum Blossom Song (Firefly: Inara/Nandi, f/f if you don't recognize the names; Inara remembers, on the Winter Solstice; Adult, sort of)
Christmas Story (D/M; the first Highlander story I posted)
Another Christmas Story (like the first)
Cold Comfort (the one people liked: Duncan/Methos at Christmas in Paris; Adult)
So... (New Year's story; D/M; in Duncan's cabin on the island; playing with slash conventions; Adult)
It Was Hans (it ends on Christmas Eve, at least, and in the snow. Part of the Clothing/Poor Roger series, after the Horsemen. Methos, his PA Hans, and Byron; Adult)
Sciocchi (Duncan/Methos; in a NY bar at the edge of Chinatown, on a cold December night; suggestive)
Ice Wine (just a bit of winter here; Duncan, Methos, Darius, Byron, P for purple, L for a naughty ladybug)
The Cherries and the Snow Job (remix of
Cherries in the Snow: Benny Carbassa, Amanda, Richie, Duncan, Methos; suggestive)
A Winter Night (Solstice story, Duncan and Methos, after Bordeaux; a few centuries after Methos and Darius lived in the village);
A Winter Night: Coda (in the early morning)
Mud, Mead, and Lice (Darius/Methos; those centuries ago, how Methos came to Darius's village; suggestive)
Bees (continues right after Mud, Mead, and Lice; Darius/Methos, Adult)
Mud Season (between winter and spring, though snow is on the ground; Darius/Methos, Adult-ish)
A Little Sting (decidedly a spring story, but with a flashback to the first winter; Darius/Methos, Adult-ish)