
Jan 11, 2005 22:13

today was alright....woek up and went to school and i was kinda excited because it was my best out of six days so the day was gonna go by fast and it did. I had gym at the end of the day and we played 3v3 bball and i could not shoot 4 shit!!! i had 8 air balls and 0 points. on the other hand i had a million rebounds and 2 fanominal packs, and quite alot of stops. when i got home o took the dog 4 a walk and learned a new langauge "oppish", and just came home and went downstairs. Well then i went upsatriars and watch "The Chronicles of Riddick" which was a great movie and then i ate dinner which was subway :p yummmmmmm and then i studied for my mid terms. Then i wrestled with my brother and dad, i won of course ;). Finally i heard that lauren dumped mike for the same reason stephanie dumped me...and i felt really bad 4 him. no school tomarrow so i get to sleep in :)
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