Dear Friend:
Are you as upset as Tross regarding Josh's actions involving you? This is a concern of mine as I consider you a friend as well as Joshua and Tross. You may respond privately or not at all if you wish.
Dear Tross:
It doesn't look good to me and doesn't say much in your defense if you do not answer my question. I apologize for using her name and if that is the reason the comment was screened then I understand. (Thank you, Ashley for correcting that oversight.) Still, I thought the question relevant and would like an answer in private. Furthermore, if you're going to attack people, expect to have your shit examined as well. It seems to me that this is the exact reason you're so angry with Joshua and yet you perpetuate it. Why are you so upset about what two consenting adults did?
I believe the matter with Josh could have been settled more privately. I also believe the whole affair, on both sides, beginning with his phone call, has been mishandled. You were both upset, you both had your reasons, now fucking work it out.
You can't help who you have crushes on. If anything that should be testament to Kelly's wonderfulness. You can help acting on those impulses. Wait a little while, until things have calmed down, make sure your friend is ok with you dating his ex, and then make a move if you think that the ex would also be interested. If not, you may have very angry friends as evidenced by Josh's phone calls. I understand that it can be difficult not to respond with anger as you did over the phone but displaying this anger publicly does not reflect well. If you two truly cannot be friends because of what has occurred then settle that privately.
Conversely, he is trying to deal with a very difficult break-up. Perhaps it's his fault, and be sure he's thought of that himself, but this only adds to his mental and emotional strain regardless of its veracity.
We obviously don't know all the details of Josh's relationship with either our mutual friend or Kelly. That's between them. We can, however, try to be sensitive to all sides and try not to cause further damage in a public forum. I hope everybody can be friends and I hope for world peace and for many road trips and sky trips to play Wii and to have reading parties and to have drunk girls puke in our faces.
Dear Josh:
How did you expect that phone call to go? Much like I said to Tross, there were and are better ways of handling this. Let's try to fix things before they get even more out-of-hand.
Your lover-boy,
I apologize if this post is confusing at any point. I wrote it with much haste and mostly using stream-of-consciousness. I now welcome myself to witty lj comment banter as I'm sure I will now have to defend and explain myself and my personal attitudes towards women. To give you starting points, I'm an asshole, a polygamist and a pedophile. Just ask my exes. Next? Anything with relevancy?