Jun 01, 2013 01:16
I don't normally use this but since I'm sitting on my ass watching a row of computers I need to vent. I'm sick of this place. It's not the people (mostly) I've made some awesome friends here, it's more the fact that I'm doing a job that literally has no direction or use to me other than to attempt to pay bills.
They told me in February that I'd need new employment. Fine. But don't wait until May to make the appointment to get the process rolling. Don't make me watch computers just because my certificate says 'sitting duties only' put me on day shift so I can actually be of use. And fucking pay me the money I'm owed. You broke me, you admitted it, so don't make me wait a month (and endless phone calls) to try and get my sick leave payments. You've got millions of dollars, it's not that much to you, but to me it's the difference between eating and not. Don't tell me it's been approved for payment on the Monday (3 weeks late) and that I'll have the money the next day and its Saturday and I'm still waiting.
Don't make me wait weeks for my medical expenses to be reimbursed, I pay the bills on the day. You could at least refund me promptly. The little things add up and considering the frequency I see the Doctor I can't afford it anymore.
Can't wait to get out of this place so I can physically (and mentally) recover.
via ljapp