Our Nine Year Anniversary is on Monday!!!!

May 14, 2005 12:51

Today we celebrate nine years of work and strife,
Three kids, two cars, a house, memories and life.

But would I trade in one single day?
Do the tears balance the joy, the work equal the play?
Some days I say yes this makes it worth while,
To receive a Thomas kiss, to see Sydney Li smile.
The well timed bear hug I got from Vang,
Overhearing someone say ViVi takes after her Mom.
But against it is still quite a long list
I got 34 hours of labor, one broken wrist,
Threw out my back twice in one year,
Having to be brave and piercing my ears.
They got their shots, their back talk, the fights,
The worry, the fears, the long long late nights,
Teething, diaper rash, dehydration, the flu,
Bumps, scrape, and cuts, a black eye or two.
Vang says “You are just like your mother”
And I say “Oh yeah! Go live with your brother!”
Did I tell you I went on strike and refused to clean the house?
For the first time he broke first and I still felt like a louse.
I love him I hate him I wish a plague on his soul
He’s handsome and sweet and I tell him he will never look old.
He holds my hands, and kisses me and tells me this will never end
And yet he never thinks twice about outing me to my friends!
Sometimes they make me crazy and I want to run away!
But if home is where you would hurt inside to miss one single day
Then this is my family and this is where I’ll stay.

(People always say they wouldn’t trade in a minute but I can think of a few
When I wish I had been in Jamaica and the good wife and mother had been YOU!)

I love you Vang.

vang, anniversary, bad poetry

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