She Gave Birth in Half an Hour

Dec 20, 2004 17:52

I know you're thinking "when will she ever post again?"
Well this will be short and it will probably be the only one until after Christmas . . .BUT
Penelope Lee Romeo was born MOnday at 4:01pm. Christa was officially in back labor for 3 full days but the nurses said it doesn't count unless you dilate. Counting from when she began dilating she was technically only in labor for 7 hours! The nurse who informed her it didn't count no matter how bad it hurt promptly shriveled up and died under Christa's scrutiny. The doctor on call kept saying to send KiKi home cause she wasn't dilating. Not that he came to visit her or so much as speak to her on the phone. Finally the nurse, who strongly disagreed with the doctor called in KiKi's official doctor who said there is no reason Christa should be in so much agony and to give her an epidural, dilation or not! Those of us in the know assumed the doctor was assuming a c-section was in order so it didn't matter if she ever dilated. Ninety minutes later she was 7 centimeters with the most smug self satisfied I told you so look on her face. One her body was relieved of stress she was a champ. She dilated steadily and at astonishing speed.
The nurse came in to check her and said
"Lets see if you are any closer."
"What?!?" KiKi had had enough and was not expecting any pleasant surprises.
"She has curly hair."
"Look," she says and Kiki opens her legs and sees not only the top of her head but a fist full of dark hair curled around the nurses finger!
The kids and I stayed for everything and in my totally unbiased opinion they were angels. I could not have been prouder. Sydney was a bit nervous about the blood and went to play in the bathroom when KiKi got her episiotomy (sp?) but as long as KiKi was smiling and laughing it was not too scary for her and she came back to see all the important stuff. ViVi wanted to get closer!
6 pounds 9ounces, 20 inches from head to toe. They glued a red and green bow to her head.
Since then we have all had chances to hold her and play with her. Of course I am her favorite Auntie. She cries for me unless she's hungry and then its back to mommy. She is nursing like a pro now, after a rough start. I think even Lee is getting used to all this. He always has this half cocky "I know what I am doing" half "what the hell am I doing here" look but we all pretend we don't see it. :)
So that's the conclusion of my all KiKi all the time news channel. After Christmas we will return to our previous jessie-kids-pto-cheerleading-girl scouts-room mom-nonsense you have come to expect from me. (But don't be surprised by more than one reference to my new niece, (and perhaps the cutest little girl I have ever seen!)

kiki, feelings, birthday parties, gifts, penelope

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