It was a nice holiday.

Nov 15, 2004 14:03

A quick Happy Anniversary to my Vang! Its been ten years since he first stepped off the plane from Vietnam and onto american soil. We had a party yesterday so I could force feed all his friends american food. One husband and wife were discussing whether to dare attempt deviled eggs when they notice me watching them. The man (formerly known as Big Spring Roll Guy) tried to cover by saying "My wife she says you are very beautiful!" I looked him right in the eye and said straight faced "that is not what she said." He said somehting quick to her and in her astonishment she blurted out "You speak Vietnamese?!?" Busted. that about sums it up. It was funny and fun and polite and flirtatious and hilarious and they got drunk and sang kareoke and tried to get Vang to slow dance with them (again) and the kids ate cake until it was coming out thier ears. I ws glad we did it and glad there was an anniversary like this to have.

I honestly beleive in fate and destiny because how else would two people on opposite sides of the world from different cultures and barely speaking the same language somehow make it into each others arms to have eight years, three kids, two cars and a house? One big world wide family. It was a nice holiday.

vang, holidays, anniversary

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