your never gonna believe this but . . .

Jun 23, 2004 03:55

As long ass as that post was I actually forgot to put in one more thing! Really!

Lately I have been getting rerally nice compliments from people. "You look nice today" when I wore this same thing last week and you didn't even say hello. "Wow, you look so much better, have you been getting more sleep?" when I slept like two hours and could hardly drag myself in. "Whatever vitamine you're taking I want some cause you look healthier and happier than you have in a long time." Is the world on crack? I have had two anxiety attacks this month alone and almost landed bak in the hospital. Tired stressed, stretched to thin with too little to balance on, what the hell are they talking about?

Then I figured it out. It made my day. My sunburn. I usually wear a hat to the girls T-ball games and last weekend burned my face from the scalp line on my forehead to the top of my bra, neck, nose, ears you name it I burned it. And now I have a "healthy glow" that makes me seem not only healtier and happier but less stressed, less tired and apparently younger because twice this week a checker called me miss instead of mam.

Who new it was that easy?
I got set myself on fire more often!

funny2me, feelings, security

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