today was the day I lost faith in the system

Mar 22, 2004 22:22

Nobody cares. Those with power don't listen to those without it. My university used mounted police against it's students today. Students were knocked unconscious by police with batons and the proposed fee increases were still implemented.
I'm sore, tired and pissed off.

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dogfromfrasier March 22 2004, 19:30:54 UTC
in any case of violence or vandalism by protestors there seems to be a public backlash against the cause and the people trying to fight for it. Of course this is magnified by an unbalanced media coverage which assumes that simply because protesting is synonymous with dissent, protestors then must be the aggressors if any violence takes place.
Shouting slogans seems to do little more than provide news clips portraying the protestors as fuelled by pure anger rather than showing they have a genuine argument which they are trying to get across.
On the basis of this, it seems that a representative of the protest should film all protests which are likely to involve police and distribute it to all media outlets if it does involve unwarranted violence towards protestors. (at the least, sbs and abc would give it coverage). Images of this made into poster forms and distributed around campus could easily stir up majority support for the cause, on campus, and would then allow for greater forms of disruptional protest to go on without being viewed as "violent methods of a small number of students" (Vice-chancellor Richard Larkins). Sit ins, pickets, etc would allow for greater progression of the cause rather than something which the media can manipulate if the protestors let them by not becoming part of that media which covers the story.

(see this is what happens when i dont have school to make me write this sort of stuff)


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