Sep 16, 2010 10:43
Okay, got the keys to my place. I thought I'd get one or two keys, but no. I GOT SEVEN! 8D One for every colour of the rainbow....
I've always hated tearing wallpaper off the wall. You start out good and excited, it comes off in entire sheets, but then you have to go back and scrape the teeny tiny scraps that got left behind off of the wall.
I hate scraping teeny tiny scraps that got left behind off of the wall, cuz I always manage to scrape the skin off of my knuckles too.
And as if that isn't bad enough...
I knew the wall by the bathroom was going to be damaged. I knew that. I just didn't expend to have half of the wall come off with the wallpaper!
I SWEAR IT! There's two gigantic holes in my walls! (Will take picture later.)
Therefore, my conclusion is: The person who invented wallpaper should be burned at the stakes and laughed at. And have stuff thrown at him. Yes, him. It was a guy, I just know it.