Oct 29, 2009 22:24
This is yet another work-related entry. Turn away while you can.
It's been about three weeks that I took the job of making the workschedule. This basically means that I plan whenever everybody works and make sure they don't have too much over-time. It's an ungrateful job, I knew that by forehand; you can never do it right. I knew it would be even worse in my team; everyone has a long list of demands.
Fridays off, monday early shifts, tuesdays late etc.
But I never anticipated the big, steaming pile of bullshit they'd heap upon me. Now, almost three weeks in, I've even been called at home, during my day off, so one of my co-workers could bitch and moan about her workschedule. I've recieved a letter full of complaints from another co-worker. There are only two of them left who haven't said anything!
What the hell is wrong with them?? I don't understand! Before even hanging up the first schedule, I told them that this is my first experience with this, that it's bound not to be perfect and then I asked them politely to be patient with me. Then, during our teammeeting, I told them that it's hard to please everyone and I begged them again: "Please understand!"
But they obviously don't care....All they care about is their own hours and their own satisfaction. They don't even see that I give myself the leftovers.
I'm done with it. I will not let myself be treated like shit. Those days are over. I will press the issue one more time, and then the next person who complains will get the schedule-folder thrown in their face with the aggressive message to FUCKING DO IT YOURSELF IF YOU THINK YOU CAN DO IT BETTER!!
Unolai is displeased with the amounts of whining complaints she gets over the workschedules. Her co-workers don't give a crap to the fact that she hasn't even been schooled and just keep bitching at her.