Review: New Year Resolutions!

Jul 07, 2008 18:37

So Yeah, the year's not out yet but remebered that post and decided to check...

1) Life: You gotta get serious about it. 
Well. So much for that... but I try, I do try.

2) I WILL get myself a worthy kangaroo. You watch... you just watch. 
In the span of months since I actually had two 'relatively' long relationships. The first one a month and a half, the second one two months. The first kangaroo was quite fun and intriguing... but it all went down the drain, probably due to his criticism frightenning me out of my good senses. The second one was awfuly sweet... but then I ended it... because he was too shy. He was everything, and still too shy for any of it to get real. Funny no? I still have his piano sheets book, he wanted us to keep intouch so that maybe, one day, when he overcomes his shyness - maybe we can continue. :) (Romantic and still... I can't wait for him can I? I don't seriuosly think he'll wait for me... and the chemistry between us wasn't all that much anyway...)

3) Find a well paying part-time job I can actually stick with for more than 3 months. 
I did! I worked on fridays as a backup English Teacher for new immigrants in an all boys middle high school in Netanya. Awesome pay. I also got another job as a private tutor for computers/physics/math... but I quit this one after two months, due to the long hours spent on and waiting for the bus bringing me there.

4) Score 100% in everything and anything scorable... ah... I'll also settle for 90%... 80%... yeah. 
Well... fail here. Certain fail. You don't really want to know what I just got in my electrnics exam... oh... god. :(

5) Keep my room (relatively) clean and tidy! 
Well, I sort of do... with the mess witheld and withdrawn wthin the boundries of my closet. I also wash the floor every now and then... it's nice. Oh, and I do my dishes every day now. Impressive, ne?

6) Icon 2007, Tel Aviv: go there, get a sword (big one), get in the arena. 
Well I got there, but they opened the arena right when the live RPG I applied too started so I couldn't go... well, there's always next year...

7) Attend lectures on a daily basis... 
Err... hehe...

8) Keep going to the GYM, I feel so great ever since I started, I haven't lost 1 kg but it's just not about it. 
Well... it's some months on, some months off... I've been a bit overloaded with school stuff lately, and also suffered various ailing conditions... such as infectious ears... and others.

9) Hopefuly they'll let me bring a cat to the apartment. 
No luck there... most of my roomies were not interessted in animal companions.

10) Eat more healthy stuff... I guess.
Not daily, but on the larger scale I do eat more fruit and veggies... and I also started putting more effort into cooking stuff... And I take care to scramble an egg almost every day...

11) Try to go out more. 
Not really...

12) Resist getting annoyed with my parents as much as possible. Resist being rude to people. 
Well... around my parents... I've been good with my dad, but with my mum it's not as easy. Even though, I think I am improving my guard on my temper. As to how I'm with other people... I guess it's debatable. Harmless, but debatable.

13) Make at least 2 new friends in my year. 
Not close ones... but I did get some new loosely attached 'buds'.

14) Go to Jerusalem a lot more. 
No time. Though I did go there when it snowed - for the first time in my life I watched the snow fall. Now THERE'S an X for ya!

15) Keep in touch with my scribbler friends. 
Barely.... :(

16) Try being more adventurous with makeup? 
Yeah. I had some rather adventurous days indeed thsi year, though it's not in my habbits and usually I just don't bother myself with the stuff.

17) Arrange a feast on my birthday with butterbeer on the table. 
Made a feast (pancakes!) and butterbeer (out of an internet recipe involving rootbeer and some other stuff... was... inetressting.)

18) Make a cool Purim custome this year too. 
Wasn't anything as big as last year's. I put on a blue haired wig and said I am Clementine from the Eternal Sunshine movie.

19) Fetch a schoolarship. 
I didn't try... though, do I really stand a chance? :(

20) Check on my grandparents every once in a while. 
More than usually... still not enough and not without my father's encouragement.

21) Do my own laundry. About time. 
I just let my mum go on with the procedure... yeah, I know...

22) Try praying mincha everyday. 
Not... :/

Two accomplishments not included in the list are me learning how to make some new foods, and also successfuly teaching myself to play the piano (I started with the begining of Ballade Pour Adeline, went on to the first 2 minutes of Beethoven;s Moonlight Sonata and now finished a shorter version of Scott Jopin's Entertainer...)

But yes, I guess I need to try harder.

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