Oct 24, 2004 18:51
okay, so it's been about 200 years since i've written in here.
i'm so confused as to how people really enjoy this more than xanga. maybe i just haven't struck gold on here yet, but it seems that there's soo soo much more to do on xanga to make your page look unique.
i haven't been writing much poetry lately. when i sit down to do it bitching about the world and the assholes of the world comes out. i'm becoming a moody little piss.
the weather is getting much better. by better i mean colder and darker. i am definitely not a summer person.
i have yet to acquire a love life or any sort of realistic love interest.
the R.E.M. concert is in 27 days.. November 20th! the same day as Savannah's birthday! this is seriously going to be the high point of my life so far. then, next spring, when i go to U2, that will become the high point of my life. because Michael Stipe and Bono are my soul mates.. they just don't know it yet.
homecoming is in six days. i am pretending to go with Mark so that he can be with Leslie at the dance and they can live happily ever after. if someone would please rescue me when i get to the dance, i would be greatly appreciative. i don't want to stand around looking peacock-y in my peacock-y dress all alone.
my mom is leaving for Maui a few hours before the homecoming dance. she's deserting me and going to the tropics. i must seek revenge for this.
halloween will hopefully be a blast. i am going as Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas.
that's all i really have to say about my life.