The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession TestCategoryYour ScoreAverage LJer Community Attachment10.75%
You have one or two loyal pals on LJ... But you probably have better things to do with your time.22.42% MemeSheepage36.84%
Easily amused28.16% Original Content46.77%
Some stories must be told - and you're the one to tell them38.2% Psychodrama Quotient24.1%
Known to go off without warning17.14% Attention Whoring4.55%
Low-key and lovin' it20.71%
Take The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
and see how you match up! I must say, though I've had this livejournal account for a long time, and I do read a few other people's journals, I still don't quite get all the rage about the friending and communities and stuff. I mean, I have no problem with it... I'm happy to friend anyone who wants, happy to be friended or whatever... I check out communities from time to time, like I like the quotes community... but some of the obsession is just silly. I mean, there are communities specifically devoted to "rating" livejournals on their content, layout, both, and probably everything in between. I'm sorry, but I just can't see spending alllll that time just to impress other people with your... livejournal? I mean, I'm sure if I actually submitted mine to something like that, I'd get a very low rating. I haven't made my own layout-- I just don't have time to figure out livejournal's own coding and all that (although I admit, I did try a couple times to see if I could do it easily enough, but nope, too much work for me.) My posts aren't all that interesting usually-- I don't hop around the internet looking for interesting things or links to post. I mostly use it as just simply a journal. Bitching, rambling, updates on how my life's going, quiz results, stuff like that. I guess I don't have what it takes to be a first-rate "ljer." Bummer. Well, at any rate, that little livejournal obsession thingy was fun. Heh.