I'm Just a Girl

Feb 28, 2005 19:54

I've been really productive today... I got up before ten, wrote questions for an English assignment, went to Wendy's and then to tanning with Sam. Then I went to English and got out early so I went to the library and got some books for an English project I'm supposed to be working on... went to Soc, found out that the essay that was due Wednesday now isn't due until next Monday, a week from today. I still plan on studying some tonight and doing a load of laundry. Keeping busy means not thinking, so it works out well. If I can be this productive every single day for the next three weeks, I'll be fine. If not, I might be screwed.

I got an email a couple days ago from the nin.com mailing list announcing exclusive shows in select cities, and fans are given the opportunity to buy tickets first, tomorrow at 4 pm. But the closest one to hear is in Philadelphia, eight hours away. So I guess I can't go... it'd be expensive, I don't want to drive that far and Wudi already said he won't... *sigh* That sucks.

Today I learned that I can be such a girl... I had this instinctual reaction to something today that was such a girl thing to think... I don't want to be... how do I say this? Unfortunately, I'm not about to post what it was I thought on here, so I can't make a lot of sense out of what I'm trying to say.

Nevermind. It's not important anyway.