Donghae's Fishy Puzzle for Deer Yoong

May 29, 2011 23:50

Note: this is strictly for yoonhaeexplosion's yoona birthday contest. :D

Whenever Im Yoona woke up on a May 30th, she was usually accustomed to her unnies tackling her and screaming “HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOONG” at the top of their lungs, bursting her ear drums in the process. Afterward, she’d usually shove them off, kick them out of the room, then quickly grab her phone and find a lengthy, lovey-dovey text message from the dork fish of a boyfriend she loved so much.

So this time when Yoona woke up on the morning of her birthday, some of the last things she expected were no screaming unnies killing her ears, no text message (what?), and a giant stuffed animal with huge eyes staring right at her from the foot of her bed. Yoona screamed and rolled out of bed, causing the toy to fall to the rug-covered floor with a thump.

Still somewhat groggy from a rare good night’s sleep, Yoona approached it cautiously, hoping it wasn’t some weird creepy doll thing that was going to come to life and kill her or a bomb that would explode as soon as she touched it.

Aish, Yoona, she scolded herself. You’ve been watching WAY too many scary movies with Yuri and Sooyoung-unnie. Calm down. Just go to the potentially harmless toy and figure out what the hell it was doing on the foot of my bed…

Grabbing a nearby ruler, Yoona prodded the stuffed animal, which was revealed to be a deer. Wait a second… Yoona thought. Then it came to her. She definitely recognized this toy. It had been a gift to her from such a long time ago, she had pretty much forgotten about it. In fact, if Yoona could recall correctly (and Im Yoona’s memory was sharper than most), it was the first gift he had ever gotten her, back when he had been a devoted fan and they had yet to meet in person.

Yoona then noticed that a notecard was taped to the stuffed deer toy. Carefully, she picked up the toy and as she read, a huge smile, just like the ones the press and fans adored, spread across her face.

To Lovely Deer Yoong,

Good morning, beautiful. I hope I’m correct when I assume that you freaked out and fell out of bed when you saw this toy. You’re such a ditz- I had to get Yuri to find this FOR you. But I love that about you anyway. You remember this right? The little stuffed animal I got you when So Nyuh Shi Dae first debuted. Heechul harassed me so much, but it’s because of this that you got your name “Deer Yoong.” I’ve always thought it really fitting- your eyes large and lovely like a deer’s. Anyway, I have a little surprise planned for your birthday, Im Choding. You’ll find me at the end of this magic trail, Yoona. You might be able to start at the market on the south edge of Gangnam district- Heechul particularly favors the dukbokki they sell there. I wish you luck, my beautiful fishy queen.

With love, from Handsome Fishy Hae

Yoona simply chuckled to herself. “You’re such a weirdo fish.” She changed as quickly as she could into clothes that allowed her to blend into a crowd. Donning a cap and sunglasses, Yoona dashed out of her room and into the kitchen where her unnies and Seohyun were simply lounging around, taking full advantage of their rare day off. Even though technically they weren’t a band anymore, So Nyuh Shi Dae felt the bond grow between each other as inseparable sisters and they still lived together.

Taeyeon looked up from her newspaper in time to see her dongsaeng barreling through the kitchen at high speed headed for the door. “You seem busy today, Yoona,” she remarked casually.

“Yeah, sorry unnie, looks like I can’t go out on a shopping spree like we had planned. I’ve got uh, work things to take care of. Everyone- I promise we’ll hang out tonight!” Yoona then hurriedly slammed the door and ran off to find a taxi.

Jessica chuckled and said, “That girl has never been good at lying.” The other girls giggled in agreement.

“Unnie, what time do we have to be there by? Eight?” Sooyoung asked the leader.

“Yup- make sure you’ve got everything set. We have to make this perfect.”

By the time Yoona had arrived to the market, crowds of people were filling up corners of the square. Dukbokki, dukbokki…what on earth does this have to do with Heechul? From what I know, Heechul likes to eat anything.

A little boy who was running down the street accidentally bumped into her and fell to the ground. “Oh no!” he cried as his change clinked all over the ground. He reached out to get it, but Yoona instinctively stooped down and said, “I’ll get it for you.”

As she picked up the coins, she felt a strange sense of déjà vu. Could it be…? Yoona gave the coins back to the little boy, who bowed a full ninety degrees to her and hurried off to find his mother. She approached the dukbokki stand that was close by.

“One plate please,” she ordered.

The man behind the stand simply nodded at her, keeping his head down. Yoona stared at him for a moment, and then when he came over to give her plate and collect her payment, she stuttered, “Heech…?”

Heechul quickly put his finger to his lips, a gesture for her to keep quiet about his identity. Wordlessly, he handed her the plate of dukbokki that had a piece of paper stuck to the back. He winked at her and slipped away.

Curiosity grew on her as she impatiently unfolded the paper to read the note that her boyfriend had left her. As she read, her suspicions were confirmed:

To Beautiful Princess Yoona,

Are you starting to get the drift of this game now? This is where we first met, when Heechul treated us to dukbokki. Call me corny, call me superstitious, but when I first met you, deep inside I knew. Somehow, I just knew, I got this gut feeling, that you were the one. It might have been love at first sight- though I still don’t really believe in that. I’m not THAT much of a romanticist like Hyukjae claims I am. I believe that you have to get to know a person to love them- which I did. I love you so much, Im Yoona. I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times, but saying it a million and one times doesn’t make it any less significant. Say Yoona, have you been practicing your dancing lately? I don’t believe you have- you don’t want me to beat you now do you? You should probably stop by the training hall to do some warm up, work outs, maybe find the where the next note is? Kekeke who knows? I hope to see you soon, dearest.

With love, from Dashing Prince Donghae

Yoona was actually very hungry since it was late in the morning and she had yet to eat breakfast. After polishing off the plate of dukbokki, she set out to her next destination, her suspicions of her boyfriend’s game amusing her greatly.

When Yoona arrived at the training hall, she found the note so easily that she thought it was a trick at first. Going by the pattern Donghae was clearly following, she discovered the note taped on one of the mirrors in the very training room where he first asked her out.

She gingerly took the note down from the mirror and read:

To Dearest Im Yoona,

You thought this was easy, didn’t you? Well I was just giving you a break this time. This very room always reminds me of how nervous and unsure I was. I had a feeling that you liked me too…but damn, I was so afraid that you would reject me. It was enough to make my stomach churn. You were and still always so precious to me, I just didn’t want to lose the bond we had between us- and I was afraid that, if you rejected me, our friendship would cease to exist. I was wrong of course, but just know- I still would have loved and cared about you no matter what. Yoona, work has been a burden lately, hasn’t it? You haven’t had much time for yourself and some excitement- the kind you get at an amusement park. What do you think of that?

With love, from Lee Donghae

What is he trying to do, make me run completely out of spare change? Yoona wondered as she paid the taxi her fare. She had a feeling that, being the playful and mischievous person he was, he was going to continue this day for all of her birthday. Sure, it was fun to play along but it was also driving her insane from having to run around Seoul all day…and from the lack of his presence. She knew it was silly, but she would sincerely prefer that he was with her, by her side, laughing and holding her hand.

Just like he had done when they went on their first date with each other at the amusement park- which was where she faced her latest dilemma. She couldn’t very well search the entire park for one measly little note- that could take an entire day!

Think Yoona, think, she told herself. Donghae is going about this based on our most memorable times together, the ones that will definitely stick out in my head if I think about it…

Suddenly, Yoona had an idea. She dashed to the ride at the very back of the park, the one that towered over everything else and, at night when the lights switched on, gleamed with brilliance. At the Ferris wheel, a worker dressed in a polo shirt, khakis and a cap directed her to the car she should take. When she got on, she surveyed the area and when she saw the note stuck the in between the seat, Yoona had to cover her mouth to keep her distinctive alligator laugh from bubbling over.

As she rode the Ferris wheel, she took the note out from between the seats out and read eagerly:

To Im Choding,

I can still remember how ridiculously happy you were when we arrived at park. You wanted to ride EVERY single ride- which we did. Which is also why we didn’t get back until ten at night, at which point both Taeyeon and Jungsu-hyung were ready to kill me. You’re such a dork, Yoona. But you’re a lovable dork, so it makes up for it.  The view from the Ferris Wheel at night was amazing- and you looked absolutely beautiful to me. I don't think I've ever felt this happy anywhere else- although some other moments have been comparable. I hope to spend eternity like this- that our love may be as everlasting as the pine trees in the wooded park near the Han River. Please hurry, Yoona- I want to see you just as much as you want to see me, maybe even more so.

With love, from Lee Choding

Every time Yoona read his notes, she could almost hear him reading aloud to her, and his hand leisurely caressing her cheeks. As the ride came to a stop, Yoona told herself to snap out of it and got off. As she passed by the worker, she almost could have sworn she saw familiar features of the older man she considered practically as her older brother. Yoona would have stopped and examined him closely, but he went off to help other customers board the ride and she had to get to her next place anyway.

When she finally arrived at Jeongsan Park, Yoona felt a cool breeze immediately lift her spirits. It was a particularly warm and sunny day to be out running around, and Yoona was more than relieved to find some shade. As she meandered along the trail, she caught sight of various couples spending the day together- some not displaying it as privately as others. Yoona veered off the path in search of the pine tree hidden in the forest that was not quite as tall as the others and leaned over on its side, as though it were a drunkard who had had too much to drink the night before.

Yoona’s hand felt around for indents and at long last, found the correct carvings that spelled out “Yoonhae” on the trunk. She looked up and saw a white slip of paper sticking from the branches- another note.

To Stunning Yoona,

Our first kiss will be a memory I will never forget, no matter how old I grow to be. That first taste of your lips that lingered on mine which I wish could have lasted forever… I could embellish in this further, but Heechul and Hyukjae are reading these notes as I’m writing and I am never going to hear the end of this from them. On a totally unrelated note, there is a boutique nearby the SMENT building that sells beautiful purple roses- the very ones you love. You should take a look- the cashier there will definitely give you a discount.

With love, from Awesome Donghae

After reading Donghae’s last note, Yoona found this incredibly random and strange, but nonetheless, headed back out of the park to catch a taxi to find the flower boutique.

“How may I help you, miss?” the cashier, a young, slim woman with dyed blonde hair. Yoona hesitantly asked, “Yes…um…I was just wondering…do you by any chance sell purple roses?”

“Oh yes- wait, hold on one second, miss.” The cashier reached down from behind her desk and took out a bouquet of beautiful purple roses. “There was an ever charming gentleman this morning who told me to reserve the best bouquet of these purple roses for a certain girl. I believe that would be you.”

Yoona blushed, thanked the cashier and took the bouquet of roses. Outside, she conducted a thorough search of the flowers and, sure enough, a note was found.

To Yoong,

Do you remember that time when Sunye and I were on TV broadcast together? It was all completely scripted and Sunye and I are just friends- but we got into an argument. I brought up the fact that you and Taecyeon seemed into each other on Family Outing and we didn’t speak for three days. I was desperate to find a way to make up with you- so I got you purple roses, right from this boutique. The point is, we can stick together and get through any obstacles and any conflicts. You’re tired from running around all day, aren’t you Yoona? Why don’t you go back to the dorm and get some rest- and maybe take a look at the surprise that’s on your table.

With love, from Hae

“He had me chasing notes all around Seoul for this?” Yoona asked incredulously. On her table lay an enormous photo album, the front picture being the first twitpic he had taken with her. As Yoona opened it, another note was found within the front cover.

To girl Donghae loves most,

Do you like your present, Yoona? It took forever, but I managed to compile an album filled with years worth of memories of with SNSD, Super Junior, SM Town and me. But if you think the gifts stop here, you’re dead wrong, Im Yoona. I still have one last surprise left in store just for you on your birthday. If you’d like to see me, come to the path by the Han River by 8:00 PM. I’ll be there- I promise. I have an important question I have to ask you. And (hopefully) it’s nothing you’ve been expecting from the pattern you’ve seen in your adventure today. It better not be anyway- it would ruin the surprise! Keke. So rest up and have some down time. I’ll be waiting. I love you, Yoona.

With love, from boy Yoona loves most

This time, Yoona could feel the tears forming in her eyes. “Pabo…” she muttered. “I want to see you too. I love you.” Sighing, she took the photo album and began leafing through the pictures.

At ten to 8:00 PM, Yoona had dressed in a pretty blouse accompanied with a skirt and flats and was ready to leave. Strangely, as she left the dorm, none of her unnies or Seohyun were to be seen.

When she finally reached the path, there he was, dressed in a casual button down shirt and jeans and his hair tousled and a grin on his face, holding a purple rose out for her. It was enough to make relief flood within her and Yoona sprinted headlong into his arms.

“Oof! Easy there, Yoong- did you miss me that much?” His smooth voice simply melted her inside.

“Yes you pabo! You jerk, you had me running around ALL day- and on my birthday no less! The day…the day…the day I most wanted…to spend with you…” Sniffling, she buried her face in his chest, inhaling the scent she loved most.

Donghae chuckled and said, “Well I’m here now, princess. And…we can spend as much time together as you’d like.”

Yoona looked up into his chocolate brown eyes and smiled through her tears.

As they walked along the path by the Han River, their hands interlocked with each other as they discussed Yoona’s hectic day. It was a warm spring evening with just a little breeze, making the night perfect.

After a moment of silence, Yoona asked, “Donghae-oppa? Where are we going?”

Donghae only grinned at her and said, “You’ll see.”

Finally, they reached a meadow clearing that was right next to a forest. At the edge of the clearing next to the forest was a bench made for two people.

“Eh…Donghae-oppa…I don’t remember coming here to this place with you…” Yoona remarked as she sat on the bench.

Donghae said, “You will now.” And before Yoona could say anything, he reached into his pocket and took out a small case, opening it to reveal the beautiful diamond ring that was inside. Gracefully, he got down onto one knee, his gaze never leaving hers.

“Im Yoona…since the first time we met, to the times we’ve spent together- Sukira broadcasting with Jungsu-hyung, singing together in SM Town, our first date, our first kiss, our arguments, our times alone with each other…I’ve cherished all of it. And I wish to make new memories with you, ones that will carry on with our love to eternity…please do me the honor…of being my wife. Marry me, Yoona.”

Yoona was left completely speechless. As hard as she tried, words would not form.

“DO IT YOONA!” shouted a voice from the other side of the clearing. It was Leeteuk-oppa and the rest of Super Junior cheering her on.

“SAY YES, YOONA YOU PABO!” screamed her unnies.

Yoona turned to them in shock- and then broke into laughter. Donghae stared at her, still waiting for her answer.

“Okay, Donghae…” she said, trying to keep her voice steady. “And…what if I say no, hm? What then, Donghae?”

Donghae’s eyes widened, then narrowed into a determined glare. “Then I would keep trying.”


“Yes. Come ON, Yoong, you’re driving me crazy!”

Yoona just laughed and said, “Then yes, Donghae. I will.”

Donghae smiled widely and amidst their friends’ cheering, slipped the ring on Yoona’s finger.

“Come here you,” he commanded. Yoona ran off, laughed and stuck her tongue out at him.

“Catch me first, pabo.” Donghae, being the stronger male, took off after her and tackled Yoona. After a bout of wrestling, Yoona finally conceded defeat and he bent down and kissed her, the magical moment seeming to stretch on to forever.

A/N: I know this is similar to the birthday oneshot i wrote for Yoona last year. i have no idea what is with my fixation with donghae proposing to yoona...i just really love the idea. kya xD 
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