rules & general information

Sep 02, 2013 16:15

unniedearest is a season fic challenge and exchange community. We offer a variety of challenges throughout the year, including: Halloween, Secret Santa exchange, and Valentine's ficlets. Rules vary for each challenge, and more information will be distributed closer to the date of a particular event. In this post, you will find just a few general rules and guidelines.

  1. This community focuses solely on female artists in the K-pop fandom. That means any entry to any challenge must focus around a K-pop artist who identifies as female. We accept female-focused het, gen, and femmeslash (female/female). No slash (male/male) fiction will be accepted. You may feature male idols in your fic, but only as secondary characters; the focus of the fic must be a female idol. Genderswapped male idols do not count.
  2. Plagiarism, stealing, or anything remotely along those lines is prohibited. We have a zero tolerance policy, and if we find any entry to any challenge is not of your own work, you will be banned from the community.
  3. Please tag your posts correctly - see the posting format below, and any specifics particular to each challenge in the post for said challenge.
  4. Posts are moderated, so any entry to the community will be gone over by a mod to check for correct posting format. Any posts lacking the correct format will be rejected, and we will explain the problem; simply correct the error, and resubmit!
  5. Don't be jerk; respect any and all writers, moderators, and commentators. This should go without saying.

If you have any questions about any of the content of this post, or a particular challenge, please visit our questions and concerns post!

You may also contact any of our mods by PMing our mod account, dearestmod, or emailing us at

All entries, regardless of the challenge unless stated otherwise, must use the following format. Specifics pertaining to each challenge will be listed in the rules of that particular challenge.

Rating: (p, pg, pg-13, r, nc-17)
Warnings: (if applicable)

Warnings: (if applicable)

Changes to the default font size, style, or color are not allowed. Simple changes such as bold or italic are fine when used sparingly.


You MUST also tag your entries with a ratings tag. This community uses the MPAA ratings as a guide. You can rate your fic G, PG, PG-13, R, or NC-17. If the fic you are posting is rated R or NC-17, your entry must be locked to the community. If you are unsure how to rate your fic, please see this guide for assistance.

Warnings on fic are less standard, but please be sure to consider any possible triggers in the content of your fic. You must warn for graphic violence, character death, and/or noncon/dubcon.


All entries must contain the following tags: group(s)/artist(s), rating, and challenge. Only girl groups and female artists must be tagged, any male artists or groups included in the fic do not require a  tag. An example of correct entry tags are as follows:
  • #2013: halloween, #artist: iu, #group: t-ara, #rating: pg

!rules, !modspeak

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