Title: Footsteps
Fandom and pairing: SNSD, Yoona/Tiffany
Prompt: image
Summary: Yoona makes a game out of stalking people. Tiffany is her latest target.
Yoona loves to make a game of stalking people, the measured steps and nonchalance mixed with just the smallest touch of suspiciousness; it’s all so fun to her. Title: Incision
Fandom and pairing: SNSD, f(x); Seohyun/Krystal
Prompt: quote
Summary: Seohyun and Krystal ask questions of each other, at first to harm, then to understand.
Somehow, beneath her notice, Seohyun has come to look forward to seeing Krystal. Their talks are still heated and tense and neither can leave the other without carrying a back full of stinging welts from sentences that lash out like black leather whips, but Seohyun no longer seeks to damage the other girl. Somewhere beneath that harsh veneer is someone worth understanding and if Seohyun has to hack away at skin and muscle and bone to get to it, well, she’d at least try before she feels sorry for it.