AudioRapture: oh, i've got *plenty* of hugs.
AudioRapture: all kinds, too.
hikikomori joshi: YAY!
hikikomori joshi: ALL KINDS!
AudioRapture: you know - gentle, firm, a la mode, with vinegar, ...
hikikomori joshi: i'm perplexed as to what vinegar hugs entail.
hikikomori joshi: if it's something obvious, like pouring vinegar on me, then that's no fun.
AudioRapture: let me see if I have an ol' vinegary hug, still stored somewhere. I though I had at least 1 left.
hikikomori joshi: you keep them stockpiled?
AudioRapture: some of them. for special occasions/needs.
hikikomori joshi: excellent. an apothecary of various hugs.
AudioRapture: although I have to admit I am still not sure of the proper application for some of them.
hikikomori joshi: could be risky.
AudioRapture: riskee, even ;-)
hikikomori joshi: ooooh!
AudioRapture: (risquee?) damn foreign languages.
hikikomori joshi: risque. ;-)
AudioRapture: and you say you just woke up...
hikikomori joshi: i did!
AudioRapture: already correcting my spelling.
hikikomori joshi: i do that in my sleep.
AudioRapture: you correct my spelling in your sleep? you must have some really bizarre dreams.
hikikomori joshi: oh, i do.
AudioRapture: do I spell better or worse in your dreams?
hikikomori joshi: much better, usually.
AudioRapture: a, so it's a *fantasy*, then.
hikikomori joshi: of course. everyone spells better in my dreams.
AudioRapture: what do you dream of? adult spelling bees?
AudioRapture: (note I didn't say adult-*level*)
hikikomori joshi: oh, you know me too well.
hikikomori joshi: nothing quite does it for me like naked spelling.
hikikomori joshi: i want a "song gets heavier" button installed in my forehead.
AudioRapture: or a bracelet
hikikomori joshi: oooh! good idea.
AudioRapture: all your beads are belong to me
hikikomori joshi: somebody set us up the crafts!
hikikomori joshi: WHAT YOU SAY!!!
AudioRapture: Make your time.