Les Cousins Dangereux: A Dawn/Connor Fanmix

Dec 02, 2009 14:38

Hi all! I'm topazera! I have to say, I owe Unnatural Brats a debt of gratitude! Back when Buffy and Angel were still airing and the idea of Dawn/Connor first struck me, I was a lurker at the website! I never shared anything but just having a place like that on the web got me more invested in the idea. So now I come bearing a fanmix I've had in mind for years! I hope you guys enjoy. ♥
Les Cousins Dangereux
A Dawn/Connor Fanmix

Featuring the music of Stars, The Mountain Goats, Sia, Margo & The Nuclear So and Sos, Yeah Yeah Yeahs and others.
(It's not like it's Connor's fault that everyone sucks but Dawn.)
Warnings: Contains references to... quasi-incest? As the author of its inspiring fic put it, "Incest between people who are not exactly related for a number of reasons, but still. Be aware."
Notes: The fanmix is based off the fantastic fic of the same name "Les Cousins Dangereux" by annakovsky. If you have not read it, what are you waiting for? ;)

art, songs

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