Bring on the Wonder

Aug 30, 2011 20:01

It moves. And it makes noise.

Noise she recognises from before, in the warm place. This place is warm too... Just not all the time. The Thing-That-Moves carries her about between the warm and the un-warm and other Things-That-Move make shapes with their mouths at her.

They are noisy too. Sometimes the noises are harsh - not like the noises she used to hear in the warm place. Others feel nice. They make her feel good to listen to them. She is especially happy when she hears her Thing-That-Moves make noises because it is safe, familiar and often means food.

This is new too. She didn't taste in the warm place. She didn't put things in her mouth like she does now and didn't find that there were good and un-good things to go in her mouth. It is very strange. But tasting is fun to explore.

Everything is fun to explore outside the warm place, if only her Thing-That-Moves would let her go far enough!

baby, mother, bf, wonder

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