Dec 05, 2009 13:00
It snowed last night (sorta). There was a chance of snow in the forecast. Well, it didn't snow where I live (I don't think at least), but there is snow on the top of the 'mountain' I can see from my apartment, so I consider that close enough to snowing to be grumpy about it.
This week. heh. So early in the week I started freaking out. I began thinking that I had made a huge mistake and that I had thrown away my education and was just going to be miserable for the next 10 months. But Jaimie helped talk me down and talked some sense into me. It's not that I dislike my job, I'm just not super thrilled with it. And I don't really like the way my boss is sometimes. At our weekly teacher meetings she generally criticizes us (foreign teachers) but she usually misses the fact that the kids behave differently for her (they are scared of her because she is THE disciplinarian) and the Korean teachers in general so we just have something completely different to deal with. She will also ask too much of us sometimes. And I know that I shouldn't take what she says personally or even all to serious (I'm not gonna get fired and I'm not going to be a teacher for the rest of my life anyway) but I'm me, and I do. But now I have a class during the teacher meeting so I get to miss them. So if she has something to tell me it will be directly to me and I think that will be better (plus she probably won't tell me at all).
Also, my horrible class (where the kids aren't that good at English and usually spend the class throwing colored pencils around) got so much better. I've been complaining/asking for help. After a couple weeks of trying out there great advice (things like 'do anything with them' or 'play with them' and they also asked me to do less of the one thing that I could actually get them to do [color]) they realized that I had no control over the class and they gave me the Korean aid. Now the class sits and does their work and listens. They are like a completely different class. It is actually a little eerie and I feel a little bad because it is such a big change it is like they are somehow being forced by some extreme means (as before the aid was with me that would be the only thing to get them to sit, like how they would sit for 10 seconds when the Korean teacher would pop her head in and yell at them).