(no subject)

Dec 08, 2008 08:57

I didn't go to sleep last night. There really isn't a reason except that I couldn't fall asleep and then I gave up around 6. So here is my night. I was working on my paper till some time around 3 when I decide to finish the next morning, but after about ten minutes I realize that I'm not remotely tired so I keep on working and finish around 4:15 when I try to go sleep. And I just can't. At 6 I start thinking about what time everything on campus opens so I went to the gym and then went to breakfast. I'm not really tired but I noticed a few things.
1) I can't type
2)I'm jittering like I've had too much coffee but I haven't had any since the coffee in commons this morning was particularly bad
3)I'm kinda stumbling and walking around like I'm a little bit tipsy
4)I'm in the kind of good mood like when I'm a bit tipsy

I wonder why I can't sleep (I haven't been sleeping much for the last week, but thought that it might get a little bit better not worse when thesis was in). I'm not stressed. Or at least, I don't feel stressed. Something in me says that I'm actually kind of stressed, I just can't feel it so this is one way to manifest. Oh well, better then being stressed and not sleeping.
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