Title: Come: To an End Author: unna_rainchaser Rating: PG-13 Genre: Angst Pairings: Miyavi/DJ TeddyLoid Disclaimer: Not mine, no harm intended. Comments: It began with a lie and ended with trust. That was what hurt the most.
nonononooooooooooooo I play dumb. I don't wanna recognize their breakup, or where all this went wrong... they were soooo perfect together. that album... wow. room 382 is... pure sexuality. I was on myv-Teddy high for days when I've first listened to that addictive music of theirs. after that in the begining of january I've read The Post, and it made me sooooo depressed, that I've failed my first exam of the year - I could not study in that state - I've wrote an angsty fic (still not ready) but I've wanted to bring them toogether again. couldn't. ummm. but. in my dreams they are still loving eachother, and fooling around, and laughing, and... yes :) having kinky, and hotttttt sex. *going to bed now...* sweet dreams for you
ps: I liked the fic, but it made me sad - so instead of saying you, how good it was, I've started to babbling about averything else. sorry :) *hugz*
umm. I uess you'll not continue the Myv Teddy fic thenm will ya? : /
Comments 5
So sad... Whatever happened, I just hope it didn't take that much of a toll on Myv... ;___;
I play dumb.
I don't wanna recognize their breakup, or where all this went wrong...
they were soooo perfect together.
that album... wow. room 382 is... pure sexuality. I was on myv-Teddy high for days when I've first listened to that addictive music of theirs.
after that in the begining of january I've read The Post, and it made me sooooo depressed, that I've failed my first exam of the year - I could not study in that state - I've wrote an angsty fic (still not ready) but I've wanted to bring them toogether again.
but. in my dreams they are still loving eachother, and fooling around, and laughing, and...
yes :) having kinky, and hotttttt sex.
*going to bed now...*
sweet dreams for you
ps: I liked the fic, but it made me sad - so instead of saying you, how good it was, I've started to babbling about averything else. sorry :)
umm. I uess you'll not continue the Myv Teddy fic thenm will ya? : /
but, did something happen?? i really wanna know cuz i'm quite new to this whole miyavi thing...
can someone tell me please??
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