I Hate People Hard, But I Don't Hate Them Very Long.

Sep 10, 2011 17:52

That's not entirely true. I can hold a grudge like a mother fucker when the situation warrants it. However most of the time I just get pissed off about stupid shit and hate someone briefly before realizing that maybe, just maybe, I was over-reacting and should dial it back a notch.

When I get annoyed with people I shut down. I basically go into, "fuck you, you don't want to talk to me so I won't talk to you either" mode. I sometime wonder if I lose touch with people because of this. I really don't think I do though. I think it just eliminates that weird point you get to where your conversations get shorter and less serious, and the friendship really just fades into acquaintance.

Friendship is also something I find a funny term when most people use it, even I use it rather loosely sometimes, but I think for the most part I have a more strict view of friendship than most people do. I have very few friends. I have some acquaintances of varying degrees, but even then I have less of them than most people have "friends." Seth met Alaina for the first time last weekend and he told me she made it seem like we were best friends for years. Now this may be just me talking, but I don't think you can really be "best friends" with someone when you have known each other for 6 years and spent 3 of those not seeing each other at all. However, like all relationships, friendships are between two people and two people may view said relationship in differing ways.

Maybe I'm too much of an "all or nothing" guy. Remembering back to when Virginia and I first started dating and she was worried about ruining the friendship. The friendship she was talking about was hanging out at work and then seeing each other 4 or 5 times in 6 months after i left that job. To me that wasn't a friendship, that was 2 people who hung out on occasion and drank. I had enough people that I could hang out on occasion and drink with and that was something I would gladly give up in order to spend more time with her.

Thursday night I must have been super lonely because I had a dream about getting back with Virginia, then after waking up and falling back asleep I was dreaming about getting back with Ileana. It was pretty bizarre. That's what I get for coming home after the show and having a Dr. Pepper rather than a real drink.
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