So I'm starting the new year off with the wrong work anyway. I was really stressed out because my school schedule is really whacked this semester and may really not work But I finally told them my schedule today - tentative schedule anyway - I'm hoping to change it so it works better with my existing work schedule... but yeah. Still nervous but that wasn't so bad compared to what happened. Basically there were scheduling issues today and there was a lot of crankiness, miscommunication, and in the end I know I'm going to get a talking to and it'll be my fault and blah blah blah. So I'm not looking forward to next week if we have a mtg. So this whole morning I was just stresed and I'll continue to be stressed while I wait for my lecture. >_<
Also I was SO excited because I ordered a replacement pair of frames (my glasses are dying). BUT stoopid Liz Claiborne phased this particular model out!!! GAAAH! So angry! Dan and I have hunted at two different locations already and have not found suitable glasses for me. I LOVE LOVE LOOOOVE this pair. If I don't find another replacement I might just have to deal with having this's not great but seriously I just do NOT like the others I've seen. So I'm a bit bummed
Also stressed because GRE is starting to be worse than I thought! I have just started studying the vocab and while I know some there are a shitload of words that even Dan doesn't know and he's got a pretty good vocab. @_@ And Math. Agh. This whole exam is just out to get me. I don't do well on exams regardless of how easy - too much stress. AND it's computerized! *shot*
Ok enough with the bad, and onto some good.
New Years turned out to be pretty good! Some plans fell apart w/ Dan's coworkers but we had a very nice last minute evening. We managed to get reservations at Il Fornaio, got parking almost right away, and had a very short walk to Embassy Suites where we sort of saw fireworks (stoopid fog). Fireworks kinda sucked, regardless of the fog, but as a whole it was a good evening. There was lots of drinking too. For me anyway. Had some fancy sparkling Italian champagne, strong midori sour, and strong strawberry daquiri. I might just post photos tonight when I get home to my parents' house!
More good: Dan and I are going to get clean, organized, and healthy! Seriously. I'll post the resolutions later but I'm really excited. I found this group through Lj Spotlight:
organizers Where people post their planners, organizers, diaries, etc. Contrary to popular belief I DO like being organized. I DO like being clean. My laziness just tends to get in the way... Not to mention how easily distracted I am. Once I drop something it's incredibly hard for me to get back into it. This community will hopefully help me stay inspired and help me make use of the dozens of notebooks I collect. Although now I want a Moleskine planner lol. You can't really see much of the entries unless you watch the group but I think you can see some and it's pretty cool. But holy crap these people have way too much f'ing time if they can do that crap to their planners.
Anyway I just needed to get that out there before I got to packing and what not. I'll post a Year in Review and Resolutions post probably this weekend.
Hope you all had a HAPPY NEW YEAR!