Apr 08, 2007 21:38
Strange Allergic Reactions, actually. Strange, slightly scary...ok kind of frightening, and super annoying.
It all began one late Friday evening, actually it could have started before that but I dunno when or how, I noticed that my neck and my back was getting itchy. And when I went to consult with the mystical mirror... it wasn't pretty. My neck and parts of my back and shoulder were turning red, bright red (I've never seen sunburn this red) and it was SPREADING. Before long my entire neck was red and hot and itching. I was slightly concerned because that couldn't have been good thing and for all I knew my throat, tongue and face could all start to swell... After some frustrating searching I managed to turn up some Benadryl. While it took a good hour and a half or so to take effect (I watched the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie to distract me) the redness and the itching subsided and I promptly fell asleep ('may cause drowsiness"= knock you out for me)
Strange Allergic Reaction part 2: Well Saturday daytime came and went w/o incident... but a little after dinnertime I noticed I was getting itchy again and... lo and behold, I had HIVES. It was in splotches on my elbows, my legs, my back but was mostly concentrated on my right arm and leg... I have had Hives before and I HATE HATE HATE them. The worst was Freshman year when I had it all over my back and arms and chest... *shudder* And what sucks is aside from allergy meds there's nothing you can do but wait it out. I called Kaiser when it started to spread on my face and closer to my eyes but again there's not much to do unless it gets REALLY bad (ie swelling of face, tongue, throat etc)... I took Benadryl as soon as I saw the Hives but it took another dose before it even began to show signs of ceasing (even after the first dose it was Spreading). I eventually konked out and hours later the Hives were gone. Oh but before that I think I did have the whole swelling of something because my throat felt tight and it did not feel good and then my stomach felt terrible. But I dunno o.o
Now the thing is...I don't know if Friday and Saturday night's events were related or coincidental because they were such different reactions. And worse- I don't know what caused any of it. I don't tihnk it was the food. Most of the food I ate Friday was the same as my Grandmother or other people. And the junk food I ate was the normal junk food I had before unless someone used a different ingredient or something. Yesterday same deal - no new food. Was it a bug bite? I don't know! And now I'm just paranoid. Everything that itches....grah!
And now my left gland or left lymph node or left something or other is tender and swollenish and hurts when I cough. I had a sore throat this morning but it was just from allergies but duuude I've been healthy for soooo long! I don't want to get sick again! And the allergies - wtf is this all about?
In Other, better news, I started reading again. Red "Something from the Nightside" by Simon R. Green courtesy of Dan's mom. It's one of 8 books and the series is still going. It was quite fun and a short read - finished it in a few hours. Can't wait to read more. Also finally read "American Gods" by Gaiman and I managed to do that in about 8-10 hours maybe? Good book - great myths - lame ending. Dan suggests I read "Neverwhere" since he liked that more. I haven't read in sooo long! It was really fun to get into books again. I missed it! Unfortunately I got nothing done as a result for the weekend but I also blame that on the strange allergies. Wee books!!!!
There's a lot more to say but meh...
simon green,
neil gaiman,